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Deborah Voll is a Professional Life & Career Coach who knows from her own experience that “it’s never too late to have the life you want.” Deborah helps you break through the barriers so you can reach your goals. Reach out for a clarity call or check out her Passion and Purpose Workbook.

Latest Posts By Deborah Voll

1 year ago

Feeling Lost Navigating Your Next Chapter?

Are you feeling lost navigating your next chapter? Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us – even those of us with multiple degrees and a library card that’s more worn than our favorite pair of slippers. It’s like trying to decipher a cryptic crossword puzzle…

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2 years ago

4 Steps to Identifying Your Purpose in Midlife

Have you reached a point in your life where you felt like you were simply going through the motions? Maybe you wake up each day feeling unfulfilled, wondering if there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing. If so, you are not alone…

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2 years ago

5 Tips on How to Celebrate Yourself this Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching! Perhaps you’ve boycotted the “Hallmark ” holiday, or you embrace it with fun for yourself, your partner, and galantines. Whether you are in a partnership or flying solo, there is no better time than this month to turn inwards…

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2 years ago

New Year, New Career: 2023 is the Perfect Time to Make a Change

Do you love January? The stress of presents, parties, and the perfect holiday season is over, and for some of us we can reflect on the past year as well as brainstorm goals for the new year ahead. January can be filled with optimism, possibility, and excitement…

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2 years ago

It’s Your Season… Let’s Embrace it

This past Labor Day I tackled a project that I had been putting off for 25 years. I made up my mind that I had finally had it with my pantry. Whether one of the kids lost their retainer and I had to replace it, a birthday or Christmas or sports tournament…

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2 years ago

Boo! Don’t Let Retirement Planning Scare You!

As children we were easily scared by a ghoulish costume, a haunted house, or a truly ghastly ghost story, especially during the Autumn season when the days are getting shorter and the nights longer. Then we grew up and realized that there are more scary…

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2 years ago

It’s Time to Head Back to School no Matter Your Age!

The mornings are cooler and that hint of fall is in the air! Yellow school buses are making the rounds, kids are back in school, and the excitement of a new bookbag, crayons, and various school supplies reminds us that a fresh start is exactly what we need…

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2 years ago

The Power of Music to Transport Us Places

It was a damp Seattle evening in May, as I settled into my seat at Benaroya Hall to hear the Seattle Symphony. I was attending an event with a friend, and it was our “pre Mother’s Day treat” to ourselves…

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2 years ago

Cultivating Your Summer Garden through Life Coaching!

If you are reading this in “real time” then it is July in the Pacific Northwest which I call home. If you are not a native to the area then you may not be familiar with our saying, “summer weather for us does not officially start until the 5th of July…

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2 years ago

How to Keep and Make New Friends

Have you become exasperated with some of your friends as you’ve aged? Friends you once enjoyed… now you find difficult to be with? Lately, I’ve noticed that it is a little too easy to “cancel” people as we age. You can say the slightest thing…

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