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Deborah Voll is a Professional Life & Career Coach who knows from her own experience that “it’s never too late to have the life you want.” Deborah helps you break through the barriers so you can reach your goals. Reach out for a clarity call or check out her Passion and Purpose Workbook.

Latest Posts By Deborah Voll

5 months ago

Create a Peaceful Transition from Work to Personal Time

In today’s fast-paced world, where the line between work and personal life often blurs, the art of transitioning between the two has never been more crucial. With the demands of life, it’s easy to overlook the importance of carving out a peaceful transition…

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6 months ago

Are You Retired and Need/Want to Go Back to Work? Advice from a Career Coach!

Some retired women want to start a business, others want to go back into the workplace but in an entirely new field. Others want a pleasant or fun job to generate some extra money for vacations or special projects. Some women…

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7 months ago

Nurturing Sisterhood After 60: Celebrating, Connecting, and Supporting Each Other

In a world where relationships are often measured by digital connections, the strength of bonds formed by women after the age of 60 is nothing short of inspiring. Beyond the confines of societal expectations and stereotypes, women find solace…

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9 months ago

Embracing the New Year with Abundance

As we begin a brand-new year, it’s customary for many of us to reflect on the aspects of our lives we’d like to eliminate or change. However, consider this: what if we approached this new year with a different mindset – one focused on what we want…

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10 months ago

The Importance of Creating Space on Your Holiday Calendar

The holiday season, with its glittering lights and joyful festivities, often brings a sense of excitement and anticipation. However, amid the hustle and bustle, it’s important to recognize the significance of having space on your calendar…

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11 months ago

Get off the Hamster Wheel and Find Yourself

Whether you are retired, working inside or outside of the home, it seems that the last thing we do is prioritize ourselves. That book never gets written, and the hobbies never explored. Oftentimes, we feel defined by our work, and we wake up…

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12 months ago

Navigating the Years Before Retirement: 5 Tips for Staying Focused, Relevant, and Sane

Retirement is a significant milestone in life; a time to reap the rewards of your hard work and embark on new adventures. But for women over 60, who are just a couple of years away from retirement, it can be challenging to stay focused…

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1 year ago

Are You Over 60 and Feel Invisible?

Have you felt invisible after turning 50, 60 or 70? Many women experience this sense of fading into the background as society tends to prioritize youth and overlook the wisdom and beauty that come with age. It’s not uncommon to feel like your voice..

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1 year ago

Being a Midlife Woman in America Today

Being a woman in midlife in America today is a transformative journey that encompasses both positive and challenging aspects. It is a time of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. July is a great time to explore the joys and challenges…

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1 year ago

Why Is It So Difficult to Invest in Yourself as a Woman over 60?

As women we are faced with a unique set of challenges. Often, we are juggling work, family, and other responsibilities, which can leave little time for personal growth and development. However, investing in oneself is essential for personal and professional…

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