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Debbie Hensleigh is a serial entrepreneur and business coach who is intent on living life on purpose. She is a speaker, writer and leads workshops on intentionally designing your best ThirdThird, from ages 60 to 90. Building on the FirstThird (learning years) and the SecondThird (earning years), the ThirdThird can be the best Third. Please visit Debbie’s website here

Latest Posts By Debbie Hensleigh

7 years ago

Who’s in Your Posse? How to Bring Positive Friendships into Your Life After 50

Posse: a group of people who have a common characteristic, occupation or purpose.

Post holidays is a good time to reassess who you spend your time with. Think about it as you look back at the past six weeks. Read More

7 years ago

Top 6 Ways to Prepare for a Great Life After 60

Now that I have celebrated my 65th birthday and have my Medicare card, I am enjoying being a gray-haired, older woman who has learned a lot and has arrived at a pretty good place. Read More

7 years ago

7 Ways to Make Your Next Family Reunion Amazing

We just spent a week with our grown children and their families. It doesn’t happen often (10 years ago was the last time) that everyone can congregate at the same place at the same time. It was a special week. For six months we all looked forward to sun and sand and waves and lounging. Read More

7 years ago

5 Ways to Simplify and Focus on What is Important

In 2002, my husband asked me to meet him for lunch. It wasn’t our custom to meet for lunch and especially not at a nice restaurant. I should have known he was up to something! Read More

7 years ago

Changing the Way You Think with Positive Affirmations

Saying daily positive affirmations, out loud, is a very effective way to live on purpose. Having true, positive statements you say about and to yourself is rewarding, energizing and focusing, and can change the way you think. Read More