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Debbie Hensleigh is a serial entrepreneur and business coach who is intent on living life on purpose. She is a speaker, writer and leads workshops on intentionally designing your best ThirdThird, from ages 60 to 90. Building on the FirstThird (learning years) and the SecondThird (earning years), the ThirdThird can be the best Third. Please visit Debbie’s website here

Latest Posts By Debbie Hensleigh

3 years ago

The Positives of Subtraction: Behaviors to Keep Post-Covid

We are entering a gradual post-pandemic period. Over the past year and two months, there are a number of subtractions I have made that have been positive. Going forward, I would like to hold on to the positive subtractions that came about…

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4 years ago

8 Simple Pleasures to Enjoy After 60 (#6 Will Surprise You!)

It seems that I have grown to be very satisfied. There isn’t much that I need or even want beyond what I have or can procure easily at this point of my life. I was glad to be reminded of this when I benevolently agreed to listen to the sales pitch of a young man last week…

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4 years ago

5 Kitchen Tools That Are Fun to Use and Make Meal Preparation Simpler

What have I been doing during the pandemic? Well, among other things, I have been adding to my kitchen tools. When I was young and raising a family on limited funds, I didn’t have many extras in terms of kitchen tools…

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4 years ago

5 Ways Volunteering Makes Me Better

I’ve tried volunteering at a number of different organizations over the past few years. It has taken some trial and error to find a mutually rewarding spot for my efforts. Right now, I am happily giving some time to two organizations…

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4 years ago

9 Things I Don’t Want to Forget from Our Pandemic Experience

March 21, 2020 was when our Shelter at Home directive was put in place. Today is July 15, 2020. It has been a long time, as everyone knows, worldwide. Fortunately, we have a lovely home in the woods that we finished building…

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4 years ago

What’s in Your Pantry? The 7 Items I Need on a Daily Basis

On a podcast recently, this question was put to chefs: Which seven ingredients must you always have in your pantry at home? One surprising answer was tomato paste. Since the chef said it was necessary…

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4 years ago

Are You Fulfilled and on Purpose? 5 Ways to Get There After 60

What I am most interested in is getting women to think about, plan, and design their life so that their ThirdThird (ages 60-90) is the BEST Third of their lives. Read More

4 years ago

11 Ways to Keep Moving After 60, Even When You Hate to Exercise

The effects of living on this earth for more than half a century have begun to take their toll. But I refuse to believe that accepting “aging” and becoming less active is my only option. However, no matter how hard I have tried to convince myself I like to exercise, I just don’t enjoy it. Read More

4 years ago

7 Things We Can Complain About and Why We Should Choose to Be Positive Instead

My life mission statement includes living on purpose, so to just mindlessly respond to someone with a “fine” doesn’t seem intentional. I settled for “no complaints” as a purposeful response to the frequent question…

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4 years ago

7 Things I Want in My Home in my 70s

For 45 years, my husband and I have been moving. We usually have had a project. Sometimes, rearranging to make room for another child. Other times, buying a “fixer-upper” so we could afford more space. Read More