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Debbie Hensleigh is a serial entrepreneur and business coach who is intent on living life on purpose. She is a speaker, writer and leads workshops on intentionally designing your best ThirdThird, from ages 60 to 90. Building on the FirstThird (learning years) and the SecondThird (earning years), the ThirdThird can be the best Third. Please visit Debbie’s website here

Latest Posts By Debbie Hensleigh

2 years ago

Stop! Think of One Thing That Makes You Happy in Your 60s and Smile!

I saw a meme on Facebook last week with the following instruction: “think of one thing that makes you happy and smile.” Not, “think of something that makes you happy and makes you smile,” but “think of something that makes you happy… and then, smile!”

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3 years ago

Which “Old Woman” Will You Be? How to Become the “Nice” One

When my boys were small, I wanted them to feel comfortable around “old people.” We lived far away from grandparents and had little natural interaction with people older than 30, so I thought that visiting the county nursing home…

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3 years ago

Reminder from My Younger Self: Things It Would be Cool to Do One Day

I was trying to unclutter my living space recently and found a folder titled “50 Things.” I’m pretty sure this was from around 2000. It was a time when my years with kids at home were waning and a new life was ahead…

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3 years ago

What Do You Look for in Friends After 60?

The old quote by Jim Rohn, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” bears attention, even in our ThirdThird (ages 60-90). A few years ago, I was in a period of change, going from one type of work to another, and this quote helped me go forward…

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3 years ago

9 Ideas for Managing Dark Days

Now that the holidays are over, there is no getting around the fact that there is still a long winter to get through. Even in a pandemic, planning for holidays was a distraction from the fact that we are mostly still stuck at home, missing close contact with family…

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3 years ago

6 Words You Must Not Say

Long ago, a friend told me her fiancé had given her a huge gift. He was multi-lingual and had many dictionaries. He told her he went through every one of them and removed the word “divorce.” Removed…

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3 years ago

What You Might Not Know About Diabetes Prevention

Of course, I said YES! when I was asked by the Wellness Director of our local YMCA if I might be interested in training to be a lifestyle coach for a new program they are going to offer. It’s one on Diabetes Prevention. Knowing that I have facilitated…

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3 years ago

Do You Know Who You Are Today? Take Time to Recognize Your 60-Something Self

The story we are telling ourselves is crucial to living our ThirdThird, ages 60-90, with grace and purpose. Recently, I experienced a short period of being uncharacteristically melancholic. I am usually the one who is confident. and optimistic…

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3 years ago

7 Small Steps to a Happier, Healthier Life After 60

Do you feel like you need a life-lift? Do you think that if a few things in your life would change you’d face each day with more hope and joy? It does seem that after 60 some changes happen fast – like aches and sagging skin and the development of cataracts…

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3 years ago

Growing into My Love for Gardening

I married a bona fide farm boy/nature lover. When I met Dave, he was a grad student in the biology department, and he was teaching Botany. He has always planted things. I love that he has planted trees anywhere we have lived and especially that he is…

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