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Debbie Hensleigh is a serial entrepreneur and business coach who is intent on living life on purpose. She is a speaker, writer and leads workshops on intentionally designing your best ThirdThird, from ages 60 to 90. Building on the FirstThird (learning years) and the SecondThird (earning years), the ThirdThird can be the best Third. Please visit Debbie’s website here

Latest Posts By Debbie Hensleigh

5 months ago

8 Steps for Creating Your Own Road Map for Your 60s and Beyond

For the first 60 years or so of our lives, we are on a well-marked super highway with plenty of directional signs. Graduate from High School. Go to College. Choose a career. Earn money. Buy a house, have a car, create a life. Maybe find a spouse…

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11 months ago

7 Ways to Make Eating at Home Fun and Good

Eating at home can be better and more fun than dining out every day. In this article I share seven ways to make home food preparation interesting. For many years, it was my responsibility to feed our family of seven, three healthy meals a day…

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2 years ago

Building Your Health Care Team Falls on You

When I was first diagnosed with terminal cancer, I had the mistaken idea that I would have professionals who would help me understand what was happening and what I/we would do about it. I felt I needed someone to hold my hand and lead me along…

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2 years ago

Age 80? Or 90? Terminal Illness? It’s not the End of Joy

Every once in a while, I think I’d like to go on a trip. An adventure. Maybe a return to the southern coast of Oaxaca, Mexico to a small beach town called San Agustinillo. And it would be really cool to visit the wildlife refuge near there at La Ventanilla…

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2 years ago

What to Say (Or Not Say) to Someone Who Is Terminally Ill

I’ve been on this trek (more arduous than a journey) with terminal cancer for a year now. For six months or so, I kept silent about my diagnosis to give me time to process and adjust with my family and a few close friends…

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2 years ago

Reaping Good Results from Quitting Negative Behaviors

In a bit of a recycle of information, I ran across a post I wrote in 2018. Four years ago. I wrote it thinking about the woman I would like to be in my “older” age, like 80s and 90s. It was a list of things I would quit doing to make my life more intentionally…

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2 years ago

Eight Months in My Cancer Journey

Cancer. Not a diagnosis anyone wants to hear. But many of us will hear it, if we live long enough. One source tells me that 25% of us will have cancer at some point in our lives. I was a month out from having a hip replaced when I was admitted to the hospital…

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2 years ago

Things My Mother Always Said – That Now I Know Were True

When my mother was the age that I am now, I had five children, ages 11 to 3. I was home schooling all of them, making food from scratch, and living my best earth-mother-type life. And, I had a neuro-muscular disease…

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2 years ago

7 Things I Thought I Would Be Good at When I Reached Age 60

Some things I have mastered. Mostly, things that I’ve done over and over, often with little attention. Things like driving a car. Or riding a bicycle. Or brewing a pot of coffee. No need for deep thought or remembering details…

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2 years ago

5 Ways to Relax and Enjoy Life After 60 Even More

I’m in my ThirdThird now (ages 60-90) and I find there are things I used to care a lot more about than I do now. Priorities, experience, wisdom, adapting – whatever the reason, I am much more flexible in my thinking. The result? Less stress. More joy. A greater appreciation for each day, each opportunity, each interaction…

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