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Darlene Corbett views herself as a life-long learner, work-in-progress, bibliophile, and logophile. Darlene's primary roles are now Therapist, Hypnotherapist, and Author/Writer. At age 61, her first book on personal development was traditionally published. Her book, Visible Forever, will be published by WordCrafts Press in the spring of 2024.

Latest Posts By Darlene Corbett

2 years ago

The Good, Bad, and Ugly Truths of Aging

Are you 60? How about 70? Maybe you have crossed 80? What about 90? If you’re past 60, there are certain truths that you have definitely encountered…

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2 years ago

Learning Another Language as a Sexagenarian, Not Easy!

I always wanted to learn another language. Why? The only reason I could surmise is my desire for learning. Also, I love a challenge, and what better way than conquering a new language? So, I have embarked on learning Spanish, a journey of agony and ecstasy.

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3 years ago

Not Feeling Blessed? Change the Tune!

I come to you this morning to say three simple words: You are blessed! “What do you mean,” you might ask. It’s simple, really. You are reading, which means you are alive. So, you are blessed! You must remind yourself that you have the privilege of reaching 60…

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3 years ago

Dating Over 60? Beware of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

In the 1980s, I had a single friend in her early 40s trying to find a romantic partner. Such a pursuit was years before the era of the Internet. Consequently, the choices for dating sites were few and far between and stigmatized. Also, the chances of meeting a single…

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3 years ago

Senior Dating Puzzle: Should Women Share the Expense of a First Date as a Way of Showing Equality with Men?

Some time ago, there was an article in The Wall Street Journal challenging the longstanding belief that men should pay for women on the first date. In my role as therapist, I sit with men of all ages who wish to be generous. Many of them…

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3 years ago

The Power of Maternal Love

February is a month that denotes many things. One that has stood the test of time is Valentine’s Day, which began in 500 A.D. What it fervently symbolizes is the virtue of love in the romantic form. As we know, however, love comes in many…

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3 years ago

Looking Beyond the Physical: Do You Take the Delights of the Universe as Coincidences or Are You Simply Attuned to Them?

Almost two decades ago, I spoke with a medium. My father had taken a one-way flight to heaven about seven years earlier, and I was curious to see if, in fact, there truly could be a way to get information about him. Now, before you stop reading…

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4 years ago

No Choice – We Must Keep Going!

Life has been extremely challenging. Along with everyday stresses, Covid has put many people over the top during 2020. Disturbingly, no end to this pandemic seems to be in sight. Vaccines are not far off, yet the numbers are on the rise…

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4 years ago

What If You Could Change Someone’s World?

For these past several months, like many of you, I have been operating virtually through Zoom, FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Skype. Many people have experienced this as exhausting. I understand that position…

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4 years ago

What Do You Think About the Right to Live?

A few years ago, an acquaintance of mine whom I will refer to as Margo shared with me a disturbing story. She had taken her healthy, independent 90-year-old aunt to the physician’s…

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