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Danielle Howard is a Certified Financial Planner® (CFP®), author, speaker and financial thought leader. Read her book - Your Financial Revolution – Time to Recognize, Revitalize, and Release Your Financial Power. Visit her at or

Latest Posts By Danielle Howard

1 year ago

8 Ways to Declare Your Financial Freedom When the Clock Strikes 55

Ladies, as we celebrated the freedoms of our nation on July 4, I encourage you to look at how to create financial freedom in your life. Money is a tool to be used creatively and constructively to build families and communities. Your self-worth is not your net-worth…

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1 year ago

Financial Umbilical Cord or Lifeline? 7 Discernment Tips for Assisting Adult Children

We are a blended family with four children. It was far from easy to deal with financial decisions as they grew up. Now ensconced in their adult lives, it continues to be challenging to discern if, when, and how to financially walk alongside them…

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2 years ago

Don’t Stop Living After 60 – You Will be Astounded by What You Discover!

Ladies, remove the word “retirement” from your vocabulary. It is antiquated and ill-suited. You may not want to bring money into your life through the career track or job you have been in, but we need to shift…

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2 years ago

3 Ways to Navigate the Rough Waters of Financial Security with Courage and Resilience

It is 97 degrees out today, and a girlfriend and I are getting on the river. I am blessed to live in the Roaring Fork Valley of Colorado, with outdoor amenities at my fingertips…

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2 years ago

Do You Know How to Handle the Space Before Death? 3 Priceless Lessons I Learned from My Aunty Kay

May 20th marked the fourth anniversary of my Aunt Kay’s passing. Even though she’s not with us, her memory lives on in my life in a multitude of ways. She taught me how to live life to the fullest…

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3 years ago

Are You Dissing Your Dollars? Here’s How to Change Your Mindset About Money

Ladies, when you “dis” something you mentally degrade or put it down. This can hinder you from using your financial resources in retirement to fulfill your unique version of true wealth…

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3 years ago

5 Ways to Use Your Finances Toward a Flourishing Retirement

You have crossed over the proverbial finish line of retirement. You set your financial goals, and your financial advisor says you have the resources to sustain your income needs…

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3 years ago

Turning Retirement Savings Upside Down

You have spent years learning about how to “save” for retirement. Save first, spend later. Dollar Cost Averaging. Asset allocation and rebalancing. In the United States, you have put money into your IRA, or your employer…

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3 years ago

How Positive Financial Thinking Can Help You to Get More from Retirement

We miss the profound depth to financial thriving when we focus solely on getting better rates of return, maximizing Social Security, mitigating risk, diversifying assets or addressing draw down rates – the traditional talk of financial advisors…

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4 years ago

How Rebalancing Your “Life Portfolio” Can Help You to Achieve Financial Success After 60

There is no part of life that can be experienced in a vacuum. Each decision you make impacts other areas of your life. I know, for instance, that if I have a glass of wine, it will trigger a migraine, and I will be wiped out for three days…

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