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Dami Roelse encourages her clients to live life with engagement. She blogs and coaches women 50+ to walk, hike and backpack. Her second book, Walking Gone Wild: How to Lose your Age on the Trail, was published in May 2018. You can find out more about Dami at Transformation Travel

Latest Posts By Dami Roelse

3 years ago

Doing Housework Can Be a Gift After 60… No, Seriously!

By the time we have crossed the 60 timeline, housework is probably the last thing on our mind. Let alone housework on a sunny summer day. You will think, “There are better things to do with my time.” That maybe so, but let’s not…

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4 years ago

Should You Worry About Your Bone Density? Here’s How to Combat Thinning Bones

Thinning of the bones is inevitable for women after 60, right? For 10 years I was hovering in the osteopenia range, blond, blue-eyed, with Northern European heritage. I thought I had to just live with it, swallow my calcium…

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4 years ago

Recognizing Your Potential as a Woman in Midlife and Beyond

Women over 60 may remember our younger days when we fought for the acknowledgement of women as equals. When we wanted to be “seen” for who we really were. Gone were the days of subservience to the patriarchal structure…

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5 years ago

Happiness with Less: How to Achieve It Through the Holidays and into the New Year 

One by one I picked up the memories wrapped in each ornament and hung them on the tree. Pictures materialized in my mind of a beloved’s head bent while creating these ornaments in his shop, little fingers gingerly gluing a star on a felt Christmas tree, a friend’s offering of a token of nature, a sister’s foreboding of a life passing. These are my company in the dark days of December. Read More

5 years ago

4 Ways to Reinvent Holiday Traditions to Fit Your Lifestyle

For many, the holidays are a time of tradition and ritual. At this time of year we often fall back on the celebration habits we have formed over time. Read on for ideas of how to reinvent holiday traditions in ways that serve you…

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5 years ago

Is 60 Too Old for Adventure Travel? No Way – But Consider These 4 Things

After a month in Europe, followed by a 6-week trip to Ladakh, Nepal, and China, including base camp Mt Everest and Mt Kailash in Tibet, I’m home again on the West Coast of America…

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5 years ago

4 Ways to Escape the Summer Travel Nightmare After 60

Are you in the middle of your summer travel? Are you experiencing overbooked flights, long waits at airports and high costs to boot? Most airlines now offer seating, eating and baggage choices for the discerning traveler. Read More

6 years ago

5 Ways to Build Resilience After 60

I have returned home from summer travel. The good feelings I had built up during my active vacation (two weeks of hiking in the Sierras) are being tested because I live in a valley that features the worst air quality in the nation at this moment due to the raging wild fires on the West Coast of the USA. Read More

6 years ago

Celebrate Earth Day the Active Way: 6 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint by Taking an Active Vacation

April 22 is Earth day, so naturally, this is an especially appropriate month to consider all the ways we can help preserve our natural resources. April also brings nice weather in the Northern hemisphere and our thoughts go to summer trips we may want to take. Read More

7 years ago

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Social Connections After 60

The holidays, with their many gatherings and social opportunities, have passed. I still feel the warmth of many renewed connections. Some were stimulated by relatives and friends sharing information about past and upcoming trips, others by the sadness over the many health problems that we’re all facing. Read More