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Dami Roelse encourages her clients to live life with engagement. She blogs and coaches women 50+ to walk, hike and backpack. Her second book, Walking Gone Wild: How to Lose your Age on the Trail, was published in May 2018. You can find out more about Dami at Transformation Travel

Latest Posts By Dami Roelse

5 months ago

Every Year After 60 Deserves a Re-Boot! Where Will You Go?

The desert spreads out below me as I pick my way on the rocky trail. Yesterday’s deep purple of Chinese lantern flowers lining the path has changed to soft lavender phacelia and bright orange mallow. Life at the speed of two miles…

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6 months ago

Beauty Starts at Your Feet! 4 Ways to Care for Your Feet After 60 (And 6 Painful Conditions to Avoid)

For women, the question “Do I look good?” points at appearance, body shape, face, and hair. We use make-up and skin care to hide blemishes, change our facial color, accentuate the eyes and mouth…

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10 months ago

4 Things Most People Don’t Get About Loneliness After 50

I encountered loneliness in my late teens. Even though I was born into a large family and connected with friends through school and university, I felt the acute existential loneliness that comes with an inquiring mind…

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12 months ago

How to Have More Energy After 60… According to Toddlers

I often hear grandparents say, “I love spending time with the toddler grands but am glad to give them back to their parents at the end of the day. I’m exhausted, they have so much energy!” If you’re wondering how to have more energy after 60, toddlers…

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12 months ago

Should You Throw Out Your “To-Do” List After 60? Or, Just Rework It a Bit?

You don’t need to stop making To-Do lists to live ‘in the moment’. To-Do lists let you live in the moment as long as you use them as a tool, not a burden around your neck. They are simply a sign of vitality!

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1 year ago

Are Your Clothes Enhancing or Impairing Your Lifestyle After 60?

I want to talk about fashion that enhances our lifestyle. Is your lifestyle healthy with lots of movement? Do you enjoy hobbies that dirty your clothes? Are you attending small group events? Do you travel or like relaxing at home? These activities require…

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2 years ago

How to Rock It the Mature Way in the New Year: Downsizing Your Habits as Your New Resolution!

You’ve heard it: New Year’s resolutions don’t last! This doesn’t mean that you can’t take stock of what you want in life. The still dark, shorter days of January in the Northern hemisphere are the perfect time for taking stock…

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2 years ago

Social Media – A Boon or Bane for the 60-Plus Community?

Facebook accounts have been hacked. Facebook has been used to target elections. Facebook advertisers have your data. According to Omnicore stats, 62% of online seniors aged 65+ are on Facebook…

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2 years ago

How Summer Helped Me to Get Ready for Fall and Winter

As the days shorten, the sunny hours become more precious. Taking a sunny afternoon walk, I reflect on everything that happened in the last six months of light, travel and a long hiking season. Did the spring and summer seasons transform me?

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2 years ago

5 Reasons for Taking Up the Walking Life in Retirement

Walking is touted as good for our health, our emotional well-being and our social connections. I want to give you 5 more reasons. Walking doesn’t make you younger in years, but it allows you to have experiences where you forget your age…

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