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Founder of Second Wind Movement, Cyn Meyer offers education + coaching to help seniors transition into amazing next chapters and age successfully in place. She helps them live out active, healthy, happy "retirement" years, so they can better evade depression, loneliness, Alzheimer's and nursing home occupancy.

Latest Posts By Cyn Meyer

9 months ago

3 Powerful Benefits Senior Women Can Reap from Setting Up the Right Morning Routine

With the rise of all the scary stats among seniors (like Alzheimer’s, loneliness, depression, divorce, and nursing home occupancy), it’s becoming more and more difficult to lead an active, healthy, and engaged retirement lifestyle…

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10 months ago

Lonely and Married? Try These 5 Tips for Navigating Marital Challenges in Retirement

Embarking on the journey of marriage in retirement requires a nuanced approach to address the unique dynamics that emerge during this phase of life. I see marriage challenges come up all the time in my life coaching practice…

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11 months ago

How to Thrive When One Spouse Retires First

What do you do when your spouse retires first – and you’re not quite ready (or the opposite)? Either way, there are some key tips that’ll make the transition smoother for both of you. Retirement is a big enough transition on its own – let alone the impact…

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2 years ago

Why Are Older People Considered Boring? Is It the Culture – or Is It the Truth?

Old people are boring – truth or myth? While you can split hairs and say, “it depends on the individual,” it’s certainly a broadly accepted stereotype that old people lead boring lives…

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2 years ago

4 Simple Exercises to Help You Find Clarity During Your Retirement Years

As a senior woman, chances are you have lived a life of duty. You have spent most of your decades dedicating time, focus, and energy to your family and career – which is a completely noble and necessary role…

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2 years ago

4 Reasons Why You Need to Practice Gratitude Regularly (ASAP)

As you know, gratitude is the quality of being thankful. It’s a readiness to show appreciation for, and to return, kindness. To encourage you to practice gratitude regularly (as in, daily), here are four big benefits that come from gratitude…

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2 years ago

A Step-By-Step Guide to Finding Your Sense of Adventure and Creativity After 50

There are a few myths about aging circulating out there, and here’s one of them: aging makes you less adventurous and less creative. This is so not true. Let’s quickly debunk with these impressive women who hit their adventurous…

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2 years ago

Does Creativity Decline as You Age? (Hint: Not a Chance)

Lately, with all the extra time and space provided by social distancing, it’s a good thing if you’ve been ruminating over questions like: What’s my plan for the next couple decades?

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3 years ago

3 Ways to Adopt a Growth Mindset in Retirement

In today’s world, it seems like the older you get, the more you’re told that age is a limitation. We hear (or tell ourselves) things like “you’re too old for that,” “you don’t need to learn new things anymore,” or “you can’t do that now…

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3 years ago

4 Tips for Overcoming Loneliness as an Older Adult

The crushing feeling of loneliness can be a silent killer. The feeling can sneak up on you even when you’re surrounded by people. And it has detrimental effects on both your physical and mental health. In fact, research suggests that…

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