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Over the last 16 years, Claudine has helped hundreds of people to improve their balance, feel stronger and move more easily. That's why her in-person classes and online programmes have been featured globally, including on BBC Radio 4. Members of her online exercise studio enjoy an extensive library of easy-to-follow videos, as well as advice and support. Try some taster videos from the Vida Wellness Studio.

Latest Posts By Claudine Aherne

2 years ago

Don’t Make These Mistakes When You Exercise at Home!

Over the years, I’ve supported hundreds of people to exercise safely and successfully at home. I’ve seen the most common mistakes and helped them get past these and set themselves up for success with home exercise…

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2 years ago

How to Feel More Confident Getting Up from the Floor (VIDEO)

Do you find it harder to get up from the floor than you used to? Do you sometimes feel ungainly or unsteady when going down to or coming back up from the floor? Do you avoid doing things that involve getting down to the floor?

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2 years ago

Want to Feel Steady on Your Feet Everyday? Discover These 3 Tips for Walking Well

For the last 60 or 70 years, you never gave walking a second thought; you just got on with it. Now you find yourself having to concentrate when you are walking. You are paying attention and trying hard to stay steady. Instead of enjoying your surroundings…

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2 years ago

Want to Make Exercising Easy? Celebrate More!

Do you have all the right intentions with exercise, but this isn’t always enough? Do you make plans for a workout or a walk, but things get in the way, and you don’t manage it? Would you like exercising to become a regular habit for you?

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3 years ago

Walking Well: Check Your Posture to Feel More Confident Walking (VIDEO)

When we have difficulties with our balance, this can really affect our walking. We start to worry about keeping steady and lose the enjoyment of walking. In the last 15 years as a specialist exercise instructor, I’ve helped…

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3 years ago

How to Maintain Your Exercise Routine (Even During the Holidays) + VIDEO

Almost everyone struggles with staying active during the holidays. There’s so much disruption, whether you have family staying, are going away or are just out of your normal routine. It can be a very special time, seeing family (especially grandchildren…

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3 years ago

Where and When Do You Feel Unsteady on Steps and Stairs? (VIDEO)

Do you have trouble with steps or kerbs? Do you sometimes feel unsteady coming down the stairs? Would you like to feel stronger, steadier or more confident on any steps or stairs (even when you’re out and about)? If you’ve answered yes to one or more…

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3 years ago

How to Alleviate Neck Pain and Stiffness… Without Painkillers!

Do you have a stiff or painful neck? Does your neck often hurt or just feel uncomfortable? Does tension in your neck make it hard to turn your head as easily as you used to? If this sounds like you, you will know that pain or stiffness in your neck can affect…

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3 years ago

Having Trouble with the Stairs? Don’t Just Accept It!

Do you struggle with steps, stairs or kerbs (especially on the way down)? Would you like to feel stronger, steadier and more confident on stairs, particularly when you’re out and about? If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. As a specialist exercise instructor…

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3 years ago

Walking Well: How to Avoid Tripping on Uneven Ground or Broken Paving (VIDEO)

You probably learnt to walk 60 or 70 years ago and haven’t given it much thought since. It’s just something we do every day! So, thinking about how you walk is strange, and the idea of practising walking will seem quite odd. However, if you don’t feel…

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