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Cindy Williams, investor and recently retired 40-plus-year TN-licensed real estate broker/appraiser, enjoys empowering people. Cindy has written articles for local newspapers, co-hosted a radio talk show, owned/operated a dirt race track and looks forward to more adventures. Any questions are welcomed at

Latest Posts By Cindy Williams

6 months ago

What Is a Dream Home?

What is a dream home? Is a dream home a “perfect home”? The word, “perfect” is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as “Having no mistake or flaw.” Is your dream home a perfect home or the home that only you “dream” of?

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8 months ago

My Love-Hate Relationship with HOAs

Do you own a property located within a Homeowners Association? Do you have or hear horror stories from friends and family dealing with Homeowners Associations? I’ve got a few to share, and I am betting many of you do, too! Homeowners Associations…

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11 months ago

Did You Know You Can Sell Your Own House?

My nephew recently called me and asked me to list his home for sale. I have been the “family” real estate go-to person for over 40years, so it was not an unusual request. My answer to his request would be different this time. I have just retired both my…

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2 years ago

Real Estate Listings, Contracts and Closings – 24-Hour Advice!

Just the mere mention of listing contracts, sales contracts and real estate closings create anxiety, doesn’t it? Why does the sale of a property have to be so complicated and require so much paperwork? Think about it, a home is one…

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2 years ago

Oceanview, Bedbugs and More: Travel Rental Experiences

Have you ever planned an exciting vacation or holiday getaway only to arrive at your dream destination to find your room, condo or villa rental isn’t exactly what you bargained for? Likely you may have traveled quite a distance, you are weary…

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2 years ago

To Be or Not to Be a Landlord

Today’s economy has us all searching high and low for some extra streams of income, right? The latest stock market volatility and interest rate skyrocketing makes us feel like we are on a daily roller coaster ride that has no end in sight!

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2 years ago

Home Ownership… It’s Always Something!

To quote one of my very favorite and famous beloved female comedians, Gilda Radner’s character, Roseannadanna, “It just goes to show you, it’s always something – if it ain’t one thing, it’s another!” I regularly re-quote Roseannadanna’s…

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2 years ago

What Your Home Says About You

Over the years, I have had a unique opportunity to visit many homes as a real estate appraiser and broker. Looking back, surprisingly, the most memorable homes that I visited were not the most expensive, largest or grandiose!

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2 years ago

To Buy or to Build, That Is the Question

So you are ready to buy or build a home that fits your retirement needs, but which is the better choice? Is buying an existing home the cheaper, least stressful choice or is building a new home the most efficient and satisfying choice?

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2 years ago

Being a Good Neighbor – Does It Matter?

Frankly, as I typed out the subject line “being a good neighbor,” scenes of old TV shows passed through my mind, reminiscent of neighbors on shows like Leave It to Beaver or My Three Sons bringing casseroles over to new neighbors…

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