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As a Doctor of Psychology and Clinical Counseling, Chris combines science and spirituality to draw attention to our incredible worth through life’s difficulties. She’s a passionate stargazer and trailblazer, surviving cancer and chronic illness. Her stories and experiences are shared in nationally distributed books, publications, video blogs, and speaking events. Connect with Chris at

Latest Posts By Chris Hilicki

7 months ago

Celebrate Life with the Power of Light

This is the season of celebrations. Yet, for many of us, finding good cheer to celebrate is difficult. These days darkness is trying to sneak into our lives as both our daylight and our spirits grow shorter and darker. In my part of the world…

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2 years ago

What If a “Little Crazy” Is Just What You Need?

The season of fall stirs up our love-hate relationship with change. After this particular topsy-turvy summer, we’d love to return to some familiar and comfortable routines. But as the days are shorter and the nights are longer, fall reminds us…

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3 years ago

Superheroes Never Retire

I love the month of October and all its fall festivals, including Halloween. As a child, I collected more candy than I should have in a lifetime when I paraded through the neighborhood as my favorite superheroes. Halloween was originally…

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3 years ago

Do Memories Make or Take Our Freedom?

Lately, my friends have been decluttering their places and spaces. Good for them! Breaking FREE from our old stuff isn’t easy but it feels great when we do. It feels like a slice of freedom. Everything from closets and garages…

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4 years ago

The Era of Masks: How to Connect with Half a Face

I love that the month of August celebrates National Smile day. Smiling is powerful. It releases a flurry of feel-good hormones that elevate our mood, decrease stress, and reduce anger. And when people see our smile…

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4 years ago

Is Your Momentum in a Slump? Jumpstart It Today, Before It Slips Away!

These last couple of months sitting at home on the couch have eroded more than my waist line. My get-up-and-go is gone, too. How about you?

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4 years ago

Something’s Gotta Change! Is it You?

The nature of my counseling practice is talking about changes clients want to make in their lives. Some of the most frequent frustrations I hear are, “I’m too old to change. It’s too hard…

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