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Cheryl Therrien, aka Geek Grandma, is a self-taught technology enthusiast who enjoys writing and blogging. You can find her books on Amazon. Cheryl currently blogs at MidLife Avenue and provides product reviews on her YouTube channel.

Latest Posts By Cheryl Therrien

10 months ago

Osteopenia and Osteoporosis – Knowing the Difference and Protecting Your Bone Health

Both osteopenia and osteoporosis are conditions that indicate an issue with bone mineral density. Osteopenia is considered by many doctors to be the precursor to osteoporosis. However, not everyone who is diagnosed…

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1 year ago

Travelling with a Pet? These 8 Things May Save Your Sanity!

My husband and I have always had pets. In the past, we have boarded our pets when we traveled. In recent years, we have found that we prefer to take our pets with us. This means that in addition to planning for ourselves, we must also plan for them…

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2 years ago

Facing Ageism When Looking for Employment After 60? Don’t Stop Looking – Try Temping!

Many of us who are of a certain age find ourselves looking for new employment. The reasons are many and varied. What we all have in common though is the reaction we get when we apply for a new position…

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2 years ago

Preserving Vision in Maturity: One Mould Does Not Fit All

Nothing is more important than your health and that includes eye health. Preserving your vision can be as simple as seeing your eye care professional for annual exams or as complicated…

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3 years ago

Ready to Save More Money While Helping to Save the Environment? Here’s One Way to Do It!

What 60-plus year old woman doesn’t love saving money? I am first in line for the after Christmas sales. Clearance sales? I am there. It really bothers me when I have to pay full price for anything. Where am I going with this? Most people know by now.

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4 years ago

Craft Room Ideas: How to Remodel Your Basement as a Personal Craft Room

Some of us are blessed with a space where we can relax and work on our crafts. Others don’t have a space but have the funds to work on our craft room ideas. I am blessed to fall into the latter category. This is the story of how my personal creative space came into being. Read More

5 years ago

Blending Technology with Older Traditions to Preserve Memories

Not so long ago, the way to hold onto memories was to create photo albums and scrapbooks. Today most people use apps like Facebook and tag their photos. Online backups keep photos safe indefinitely. I could go on, but you get the idea. Read More

6 years ago

Downsizing and Recycling Trend: Save the World While Decluttering Your Life

There appears to be no doubt about it. More and more of us are downsizing as we grow older. We don’t need or want the maintenance of a large home.

The prospect of downsizing means thinking about how many of our material things we really do use. What do we do with the things we do not want to take in a move to a smaller home? Think about recycling. Read More

8 years ago

Brain Health and Music: Why I Decided to Learn to Play the Keyboard

I will admit that I have been thinking about my age and my brain lately. What can I do to give my brain the best chance at staying healthy through my later years? Read More