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Charlotte Adams is a lifelong guitarist, guitar instructor, and music educator who has taught thousands of guitar students in private lessons, classes, and workshops. She is the author of a line of instructional books for beginning through advanced students and offers ongoing guidance and support through one-on-one virtual instruction.

Latest Posts By Charlotte Adams

5 months ago

Creating Your Path to Guitar

Whether you’re just beginning to play or you’re ready to take your guitar playing to the next level, you’ll find plenty of options for learning. While it’s great to have a lot of choices, it can also be overwhelming. But with a little introspection, information…

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6 months ago

We Need the Songs We Can Sing Along To

I’ve spent a lot of time lately thinking about the value of songs. I’m thinking of songs that have a distinct and memorable melody and meaningful lyrics. Songs that trigger loving memories. Songs that speak of heartbreaks or hardships…

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7 months ago

Mastering Single Notes and Chords on Guitar

As a guitar player, you need to be proficient in playing both single notes and chords. Most people struggle with aspects of these skills at some time, but with the right approach, you can navigate them both with ease. Start by looking at what mastering…

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8 months ago

Set Yourself Up for Successful Guitar Practice

Whether you’ve just started playing guitar or you’ve been at it for years, you probably want to get the most out of each practice session. The power of preparation can’t be overestimated! Start setting the stage for success by creating a physical space…

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9 months ago

Resolutions Made Easy

Did you make any resolutions for the new year? It’s a natural time to initiate new activities or revitalize old ones. Unfortunately, resolutions can be slippery, but I’ve discovered a few simple tools that make them stick…

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10 months ago

Can There Ever Be Enough Time for What You Want?

Do you feel like you’re sabotaged by the clock every time you try to start a new practice or invigorate an old one? As a lifelong guitar instructor, I’ve seen a lot of people struggle to make time for what they want to do. In fact, time management is the largest hurdle most of my […]

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11 months ago

The Older, Wiser (and Better!) Learner

We’re all familiar with the phrase “older and wiser” and science proves it to be true. As the mind develops with age, so do certain areas of cognition that serve us both socially and in problem solving.
But learning new things is humbling, and it can prompt…

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