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Carol Marak founded the Elder Orphan Facebook Group and She’s an experienced family caregiver who focuses her efforts on solo agers. Carol believes the act of giving care puts primary caregivers at risk of aging alone. Follow Carol on and enjoy her Live events on smart aging topics.

Latest Posts By Carol Marak

5 years ago

How Senior Women Aging Alone Can Find Support Networks

Our motive to create a support system extends beyond the need for social connection and to avoid loneliness. Many women, especially those of us without an immediate family, are at risk of isolation and spending too much time alone…

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5 years ago

Aging Alone and the Importance of Self-Care

It feels like it was yesterday I was helping my parents with their care needs while working a full-time job. Today, I’m the one who has grown older and occasionally needs help, but unlike my parents…

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5 years ago

How Caregiving Taught Me the Need to Plan for Aging

You may have taken care of an older relative in the past, but odds are, you’re a caregiver right now. If that’s the case, I say, “Good on you, and congratulations for stepping up.” Read More

7 years ago

Fighting Loneliness: How Local Friends Can Become Your New Family

The concept of aging alone occurred to me after helping my older parents with challenges like cleaning the house, meal preparation, shopping, driving to doctor’s appointments and medical treatments, and even managing medications. Read More

7 years ago

Finding a Location that Makes Aging in Place Comfortable

Is it just me or does everyone who grows older alone think about the current circumstances and ask, How can I create a safe and independent lifestyle?
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8 years ago

When Living Alone, Be Sure Your Health Provider is Meeting Your Needs

We know that growing older and living alone is hardest when residing in the suburbs. Цe tend to isolate and become lonely. And when we remain alone and apart from others, the results can create havoc on our physical health, says research geriatrician, Dr. Maria Carney, author of Elder Orphans, Hiding in Plain Sight…

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8 years ago

Can We Come Together to Disrupt Aging Alone?

To “disrupt aging alone” has been top of mind since I turned 60. This month, I turn 65, so it’s growing even more relevant. Happy birthday to me! Read More

9 years ago

Elder Orphans: Tough Questions Answered

Most of us worry who will care for us, how to pay for living and medical expenses, how to manage chronic illnesses and how to remain connected and avoid isolation. In a recent post, I promised to ask Dr. Maria Carney, the elder orphans research lead, issues that bother readers most about aging alone…

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9 years ago

Elder Orphans: Planning Takes Courage, Wisdom and a Village

Many people fall into the elder orphan segment. In fact, research suggests that close to one-quarter of Americans 65 and older could end up with no family to care for them. This makes sense when you consider the fact that one-third of people between the ages of 45 to 63 are single. Read More

9 years ago

Elder Orphans: Exploring the 5 Stages of Aging

The best advice that I ever received on retirement and long-term care is, “the best time to plan is long before you need it.” Another good piece of advice is, “plan while you still have the energy, physical and mental health, and resources.” This is why 2016 is my year for planning. What are the consequences of not making a long-term care plan?

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