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Carol Cassara founded A Healing Spirit on Etsy, where she offers supportive, encouraging products/services to those healing from illnesses and coping with grief. A lifelong writer, she spent 35 years as a corporate communications executive and many semesters teaching writing and business at universities.

Latest Posts By Carol Cassara

10 months ago

Spending Christmas Alone? 8 Things to Do if You’re Alone for the Holidays

The holidays aren’t always a happy time – for some they’re reminders that they are lone, whether they’re widowed, divorced, separated or simply away from family and friends. Add grief to that and it’s even more difficult. Loneliness is painful…

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1 year ago

5 Things NOT to Do When Starting a Business After 60

Despite my long career in business, I suffered a major case of entrepreneurial amnesia. All the good advice I gave clients during my 35-year business career flew out the window when I started my own business. Let me prevent you…

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2 years ago

8 Things to Explore Off the Beaten Path in Santa Fe

Fall in Santa Fe is golden. Shimmering cottonwood trees take over the city, their leaves almost molten in beautiful shades of yellow and gold. The smell of pinon burning in kivas is everywhere, as is the aroma of roasting chili peppers. And the adobe!

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2 years ago

The Art of Managing Anxiety in Uncertain Times

These are uncertain and anxious times. I can’t help but think more of us are anxious and tense than in previous years: I know my friends and I are. So what to do about that anxiety, especially if it’s multiplied?

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4 years ago

How Life Is a Journey of Just Walking Each Other Home

Since that time when (wo)man started to think, philosophers have pondered the meaning of life and waxed long and eloquent about it. But to me, none are as eloquent as the sage spiritual teacher Ram Dass who observed, “We’re all just walking each other home.” Read More

7 years ago

12 Ways Caretakers Can and Should Take Better Care of Themselves

Caretaker is a role many of us are taking on in our senior years, as our parents live longer and healthier lives. At some point, though, we can find ourselves in a role reversal, specifically when we’re responsible for or facilitating the care of aging parents with infirmities…

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7 years ago

8 Ways to Be There for Someone Who Is Sick

As we age, there’s no way to escape the constant stream of friends and loved ones who must deal with difficult diagnoses. Whether it’s auto-immune disease, chronic pain, cancer treatment or any other challenging disease, chances are it limits our loved one’s ability to life a fully active life. Read More