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Candy Morehouse is an author, writer and podcaster who’s passionate about helping others eat more nutritiously and enjoy the best health of their lives at any age.

Latest Posts By Candy Morehouse

10 months ago

5 Nutritious Holiday Food Choices You May Not Have Considered

With the holiday season fast approaching, you may be feeling despair at the thought of facing all those tempting foods you so love. But you needn’t gain weight or eat foods with zero nutritional value. The key is to make the best…

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2 years ago

Does Healthy Eating = Healthy Aging?

Do you have healthy and nutritious habits? Or are you a die-hard fan of those rich foods you grew up eating? As someone concerned with health and nutrition, I have done a lot of research on this subject. I have personally fought…

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3 years ago

4 Secrets to Creating Naturally Healthy Comfort Foods

Now that fall has arrived in North America and the holidays are on the horizon, our eating habits tend to change. I know this is the season when I crave gooey casseroles, steaming drinks and (unfortunately) lots of carbs. This is a natural process…

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3 years ago

You Won’t Believe What Putting a Little Turmeric on Your Food Can Do for Your Body

Turmeric is a root used as a spice – but it does so much more than just add flavor to food. Here are the reasons why you need to start adding a pinch of turmeric to almost everything you put in your mouth. Turmeric is derived from the Curcuma longa plant…

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5 years ago

4 Ways to Add Healthier Foods to Your Holiday Parties This Year

With the holiday season in full swing and parties abounding, it’s time to think about what dishes you will be serving – or bringing – to the next event. Too often we fall back on old standbys, such as cheesy dips, deep-fried appetizers…

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6 years ago

Why You Shouldn’t Make New Year’s Resolutions

Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday when 2018 was being heralded in?

Now we stand at the crossroads of a new beginning once again. And for many of us, that means resolving to do something good for ourselves in the upcoming year. Read More

7 years ago

Listen to Your Body! 5 Healthy Eating Tips for Women Over 60

These days, it seems there is at least one article, study or documentary coming out each day that delivers conflicting information about what you should and shouldn’t be eating. Read More

7 years ago

How to Adopt Healthy Eating Habits When You’re Only Cooking for One or Two

Most of us at this stage in life are living in a downsized family. That is, it’s usually just us or perhaps us and a spouse or significant other. But have you noticed that many food ingredients, recipes and even baking pans are sized for many more diners? This can make adopting healthy eating habits difficult. Read More

8 years ago

Should You Go Dairy Free to Boost Your Healthy Aging Prospects?

These days, there are plenty of things that dieticians, health professionals and personal trainers warn us to stay away from. Read More