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Brooke Nichols has spent 40 years in the travel business and is a recognized expert in the field. She is an author, newsletter contributor, and travel blogger. She is also a widow and mom to two teenage daughters who have also caught the travel bug. Contact Brooke at

Latest Posts By Brooke Nichols

3 years ago

Dating After 60: In Praise of the Third Dimension

I’m late to the online dating party. I joined a grief group after my husband died and over the years it evolved into a bunch of friends with one sad thing in common but a lot of other fun and interesting things to discuss. They pushed me…

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4 years ago

How a Lockdown Makeover Can Lift Your Mood

I have a confession. I haven’t had my hair cut or colored in over nine months. I was overdue when the pandemic hit and now, even though salons in my area have finally reopened, I still haven’t made an appointment with my stylist…

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4 years ago

Honey, I Shrunk the World!

The master plan called for selling the family home once the last kid was out of high school and off to college. We’d both be over 60 and ready for the next chapter…

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5 years ago

Girls’ Weekends and Slumber Parties Over 60? You Bet!

Once I hit 60, I noticed my group of friends had changed. Through my mid-years it had been an even mix of men and women, mostly couples and a few singles, but now the composition had shifted to 90% women, and single women at that. Read More

6 years ago

Ultimate Family Time: A Multigenerational Safari to South Africa

“Multigenerational travel” has been a buzzword for a few years now. Who can argue with the brochure-ready images of grandparents, adult children, and grandkids all sharing in the joys a family adventure can bring? Read More

6 years ago

Scarf Magic for Mature Women: How to Turn 3 Scarves into 27 Outfits

I’m a 62-year-old reformed over-packer. You know the type. We want ‘options’ while traveling, which, in my case, meant I threw everything I had into my suitcase the night before the trip, assuming I would “figure it all out” on the fly. Read More

6 years ago

Romantic Destinations: 5 Tips for Women Traveling Solo After 60

After losing my husband and globe-trotting partner of 24 years to cancer, I knew I would travel again someday. At nearly 60, I was still a relatively young woman, and there was a lot of world left to see. But my trips to so-called ‘romantic’ destinations were history as far as I was concerned. Read More

6 years ago

Africa and Me: A Solo Safari Through the Eyes of a 60-Plus Traveler

You’ve probably thought about it. Maybe you even planned it sometime at the beginning of your fifth decade, then let all the deadlines pass. Read More