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Beverly Bowers is a retired financial planner who has been solely responsible for her financial life over 25 years. Her passion is to make investments understandable – dispel the mystery and simplify the process. In 2021 she self-published a book, How to Dress a Naked Portfolio, a Tailored Introduction to Investing for Women. She relishes questions from all levels of investors. You may submit questions and sign up for her blogs on her website.

Latest Posts By Beverly Bowers

1 year ago

Do You Overspend?

I just read two interesting articles about spending habits. One focused on boomers and the other discussed the differences in spending habits of boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. The latter article was based on data from Bank of America…

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1 year ago

Money Market Account or Money Market Fund?

What’s the difference between a money market account and a money market fund, you ask. Aren’t they the same? The answer is “no” and, depending on your situation, you may want to use one, the other, or both. Let’s take a deeper look…

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1 year ago

Have You Wondered Where You Can Invest? Let’s Look at the Options

Do you want to know your options for investing to reach your long-term goals? Remember that investing is only appropriate if your living expenses are covered, your debt is under control, and you have built an emergency fund. After that it may be time…

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1 year ago

How I Overcame My Podcast Fear

I recently agreed to be a guest on a podcast. Although repeatedly encouraged to do podcasts by my marketing manager, up to this point I have resisted. Why? It’s very simple: Fear! There have been times in my past when I felt that I did not respond…

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1 year ago

Learning the Language to Fit In

I recently read an article posted by Business Insider entitled, “Gen Z and millennial workers feel confused, irritated, and left out by endless ‘workplace jargon’ in the office, LinkedIn research shows.” I know from experience that this is true…

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1 year ago

Should I Hire a Financial Advisor?

With turmoil in the financial world – inflation, bank bankruptcies, recession concerns, etc. – you may have reached the point that you want to check in with a professional advisor. If nothing else, it may calm any anxiety about your future…

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1 year ago

Extra Retirement Plan Catch-Ups Are Coming Your Way

Will you be 60, 61, 62, or 63 in 2025? Are you still employed and contributing to your company retirement plan? Then start planning now for the added contribution you may make starting in 2025. You may be aware that under current law, employees…

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2 years ago

Don’t Panic If You Read the Financial News

How our world can change overnight! Unless you have been backpacking in the wilderness, on a retreat, or have given up social media, tv, cable, radio, and newspapers, you must have heard or read about the disasters that struck the financial industry last week…

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2 years ago

Women’s History Month – My Tribute

Did you know that every March is National Women’s History Month? Its honorary observance was designated by Congress in 1987. The month is dedicated to honor the contributions and achievements of women to our country…

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2 years ago

Will You Inherit an IRA?

Do you expect to be the beneficiary of an IRA or retirement plan? Maybe you are in the process of a review of your IRA or retirement plan beneficiaries and want to make good decisions based on current legislation. The rules changed with both the 2019 SECURE Act…

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