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Beverly Bowers is a retired financial planner who has been solely responsible for her financial life over 25 years. Her passion is to make investments understandable – dispel the mystery and simplify the process. In 2021 she self-published a book, How to Dress a Naked Portfolio, a Tailored Introduction to Investing for Women. She relishes questions from all levels of investors. You may submit questions and sign up for her blogs on her website.

Latest Posts By Beverly Bowers

5 months ago

Steve Jobs Advice: “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”

You probably know that Jobs dropped out of college. He reasoned that he didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life, he didn’t see how college would play a role, and he didn’t want to spend his parents’ money foolishly. He trusted that it would all work out…

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5 months ago

A Lesson from “Eigengrau” or Growth and Value Investing

Every day, I receive an email from a site called WordDaily. I love to challenge myself to guess the meaning of the word. Recently, eigengrau was the Word of the Day. I recognized its German origin and the “gray” part but not the entire meaning of the word…

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6 months ago

A Direct Indexing Approach to Investing

If you read financial information on social media or subscribe to publications, you very likely have seen references to direct indexing. What is it and is it something you might consider? First, a quick review of indexing as the term is used in investing…

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6 months ago

How to Share Your Life Story in Book Format with Question Prompts

Last year my oldest son gave me a gift for my birthday that turned out to be not only a gift to me, but a special gift for him, his brother, for their children, and hopefully for their grandchildren. Every week over the course of a year I was sent a question about myself…

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7 months ago

Cheers for the Future of Charitable Giving

As a retired financial planner, I admit that my favorite clients were those whose goals included generous charitable giving. One couple comes to mind. Not only did they make generous donations to their alma mater and favorite non-profits…

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8 months ago

The Loving Thought of Financial Fidelity

This is the time of year we focus on those we love. Children share valentines in school, heart-shaped boxes full of candy disappear from the shelves, florists run out of red roses, and jewelry stores appeal to lovers of any age. There is a special focus…

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8 months ago

Let’s Talk About PLESA

Are you one of 63% of workers who cannot cover a $500 emergency expense? Effective January 1, 2024, help may come from your employer in the form of a PLESA which was created by the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022. PLESA stands for pension-linked…

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9 months ago

I’ve Decided to Set My New Year Intentions

We are well on our way, and I am already feeling the days slipping by too fast. How about you? Did you set any New Year resolutions? How are you doing? Already blown that diet? Rain or snow forced you to rethink the daily workout you promised…

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10 months ago

Two Ideas for Giving Tuesday

I bet you have heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but are you familiar with Giving Tuesday? Created in 2012, Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving that takes place on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States. It encourages people…

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12 months ago

Embracing a New Outlook for Fall

Fall is here, and I admit that I have mixed feelings about its arrival. Many people say fall is their favorite season and why not? The days cool down, the trees change colors, the air feels crisp and sometimes carries the aroma of burning leaves…

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