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Betty Mekdeci is the founder and director of Birth Defect Research for Children, a national nonprofit organization helping families with information and resources. BDRC also sponsors the National Birth Defect Registry, a research project designed by a team of prominent scientists to identify the causes of birth defects. Learn more at

Latest Posts By Betty Mekdeci

3 years ago

How to Give Your Grandchild the Gift of Confidence

Of all the traits that contribute to success in life, confidence rates at the top of the list. Unfortunately, children who have been born with physical or neurodevelopmental disabilities often receive messages from the world that chip…

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3 years ago

What You Should Know if Your Grandchild Is Born Different

When your cell phone rang and you saw the call was from your son or daughter, you were full of heart fluttering anticipation. You had been waiting so long to hear the words, “Mom, you are going to be a grandmother…”

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