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As a personal coach, Barbara Robitaille supports people in accepting responsibility for their choices and taking back creative control of their life, embracing change as a gift. Barb draws from a deep reservoir of understanding, intuition, and experience.

Latest Posts By Barbara Robitaille

1 year ago

5 Tips for the Keeper of the Family Treasures

I watched my in-laws’ tidy bedroom closets fill with suitcases and clothes after each of their parents died. Add to this the odd table, chairs, hutches, and antique Victrola that migrated to the basement family room, which transformed into a maze…

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2 years ago

What’s the Meaning of Legacy When You Hit 60? (Hint: It’s Not a Resume)

As a stay-at-home mom, I used to dread meeting new people at social events. After initial pleasantries, so often the exchange would come to an awkward, grinding halt when they asked me…

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5 years ago

How Travel Can Help You Become the Woman You Want to Be

“I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.” —Lillian Smith. Travel saved my life…

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