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Dr. Ardith Bowman is a woman-centered coach, advancing the positive aging movement. Her mission is to empower women aged 60 and beyond to live with fulfillment throughout life. She will walk beside you, providing unwavering support and guidance as you navigate your path into more fulfillment and vitality. Find her at Becoming You After 60.

Latest Posts By Ardith Bowman

3 months ago

Don’t Let Busyness Keep You from Embracing Life

Have you ever ended the day having not done something you had told yourself you wanted to because you were “too busy?” This is part 2 of a three-article series about common ways we hold ourselves back from living the life we truly desire…

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3 months ago

Don’t Talk Yourself Out of Embracing Life

Have you ever wanted to try something new or make some kind of change in your life and then not follow through? We all do it! Yet, not following through can detract from us living the full and happy life we imagine, deserve and that can support healthy aging…

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4 months ago

Live Your Own Adventure

Remember those “Choose Your Own Adventure” ® books by Chooseco? What if we looked at our post-fulltime life like that? After all, there are phases to retirement – from honeymoon to disenchantment to reorientation. Sometimes, there is no honeymoon…

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6 months ago

Going Beyond the Vision Board

For many of us, early January is a time of dreaming about the year ahead. I just love taking the time for this with a cup of cacao or tea wrapped in my aqua Afghan made by a friend. Find your special place to focus on your own desires…

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8 months ago

Try Being an Explorer in Times of Life Transitions

If you are experiencing some kind of life transition, you may be eager to get settled into your new phase. It might be leaving full-time work, or living alone for the first time in years, or having to adapt to new physical conditions. No matter the reason…

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9 months ago

Do You Have a Possibility Mindset?

We know that attention to fitness, stress reduction, having a sense of purpose, and connection with others adds healthy years to our lives. We also know that the years wear on our bodies and endurance. In this article, let’s address the realities…

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10 months ago

“So, What Do You Do All Day?” Retirement Question #1

Many retired women tell me they get asked this question. The reaction to it can be a negative one. I have heard comments like, “Well, they wouldn’t ask me that if I were still working!” One of the most common responses I hear is, “Whatever I want!”

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10 months ago

How Do We Transition to a New Phase of Life?

This article focuses on the transition out of full time work. The ideas also are relevant to anyone seeing 65 as a transition into a new phase of life. Let’s begin by framing the end of a full-time career as simply a transition in a continual sequence…

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11 months ago

This Is Our Time of Freedom

Many people in the life phase after full-time work use the word “freedom” to describe their experience. When we dig deeper, we find that there are different explanations of what freedom really means to each of us. I am curious about what is true for you…

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1 year ago

Vitality Domain #4 – Friendship and Love are Good for Your Health

Loneliness is associated with early mortality. Loneliness is not about feeling isolated socially; it is a deep feeling of being alone in the world. Some have described our modern-day situation as an “epidemic of loneliness…

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