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Anthony Cirillo is founder of Sage Stream, the Senior Entertainment/Education Network and president of The Aging Experience, which helps people and companies prepare for aging before it becomes a crisis. A health and aging expert, professional speaker, and media influencer, he is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives with a master’s from the University of Pennsylvania. Anthony serves as a Policy RoundTable member for Nationwide Financial and Bank of America.

Latest Posts By Anthony Cirillo

5 years ago

How to Proactively Prepare Your Work Environment for a Potential Caregiver Crisis

Elizabeth Miller, a speaker at my third Caregiver Smile Summit, spoke to me about preparing for the inevitable caregiver crisis while you are at work. She is a family caregiver, certified caregiving consultant…

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5 years ago

How to Best Remodel Your Home So You Can Age in Place Safely

Aging in place is the desire of many people but doing so comfortably can be a challenge. One of the keys to successful aging in place is to remodel your home to accommodate your needs. Read More

5 years ago

Aging Life Care Professionals: 3 Things You Should Know Before Hiring One

The stress of caregiving often puts strains on families and relationships, not to mention the toll it takes on someone’s health. But here’s the thing, you’re not alone in this. Read More

5 years ago

7 Things Enlightened Employers Are Doing for Caregivers: On Which End Are You?

More than 42 million U.S. families, that is, 21 percent of households, experience daily limitations caring for a dependent adult. The economic value of these unpaid contributions is more than $500 billion, which is up from $375 billion in 2007. Read More

6 years ago

4 Ways to Combat Senior Isolation This Holiday Season

According to the AARP, 51 percent of people over 75 live alone. That’s 15 million people in the U.S., including 27 percent over 65. Of those numbers, 26 percent face an increased risk of death due to subjective feeling of loneliness. Read More

6 years ago

3 Things to Keep an Eye Out For When Visiting Your Elderly Relatives During the Holidays

Before you know it, the holiday rush will be upon us. Often, for adult children, it is one of the few times they get to see mom and dad during the year. Families can be separated by distance (and much more) and caregiving from afar can be difficult, stressful and time-consuming. Read More

6 years ago

How the Arts Can Reduce Anxiety and Be of Emotional Benefit to Older People

Createquity is an online think tank that helps make sense of the news and research in the arts world. Their review of the evidence that connects the arts with our emotions reveals four things:

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6 years ago

Caregiver Ideas: 5 Reasons to Consider Sharing Live Music with the Elderly

Many in the aging services professions are already aware of the power of music on healing and particularly with dementia patients. Many patients can remember and sing songs even in advanced stages, long after they’ve stopped recognizing names and faces. Read More

6 years ago

Myths, Facts and Reasons to Consider a Senior Move Manager

I had the pleasure of recently interviewing Mary Kay Buysee, Executive Director of the National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM) here in the U.S.  Read More

6 years ago

4 Years, 5 Deaths and 4 Powerful Caregiver Lessons

I’ve decided to just come out and say it. The last four years of our lives have sucked! ‘Our,’ as in my wife, Kathy, and I. Here is a rundown of events… Read More