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Ann Tanmayi Bruce offers guidance, support and coaching in ageing well and exploring the beautiful mind, where sustained peace, love and happiness reside. With over 30 years’ professional experience, Ann’s quest is to help create a silver revolution – where we live in an age that has no age! Please visit her website here

Latest Posts By Ann Tanmayi Bruce

6 months ago

How to Recognize the Difference Between Dreams and Goals in Your 60s

Most of us are familiar with goals and goal-making. For many of us, setting goals is an integral part of achievement and success. As we age, new goals begin or older ones are reviewed through a mid-life career change, personal…

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2 years ago

3 Vital Keys to Unlocking Your Personal Freedom in Your 60s

When you think about freedom and ageing well, what pops into your mind? Is freedom an oxymoron or can you step into an even greater personal power in your 60s and beyond? I’ve noticed a pattern when it comes to…

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5 years ago

Vitality and Energy: Why You Need Them Both After 60!

We all want to maintain our health and age well. Whilst energy levels can dip and dive, did you know that vitality will always sustain you? Read More