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Ann Richardson’s most popular book, The Granny Who Stands on Her Head, offers a series of reflections on growing older. Subscribe to her free Substack newsletter, where she writes fortnightly on any subject that captures her imagination. Ann lives in London, England with her husband of sixty years. Please visit her website for information on all her books:

Latest Posts By Ann Richardson

2 years ago

Celebrating 60 & Me’s 10th Anniversary!

Margaret Manning, this website’s founder, has noted recently that this is the 10th anniversary of Sixty and Me, but I don’t think enough fuss has been made of this wonderful fact. We should be singing and celebrating loudly…

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2 years ago

The Interesting Experience of Having Teenage Grandchildren

It all starts with a baby. A sweet helpless and very loved bundle of not-yet-known-but-absolutely-expected joy. You held that baby and felt the excitement of a new human presence in your life. A grandchild!

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2 years ago

Talking About the Unmentionable Body Conditions

It is something we do every day, more or less, from the day we are born until the day we draw our last breath. Throughout most of our lives, we gave it nary a thought and certainly never talked to anyone about it except, perhaps, our mother…

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2 years ago

Slowing Down Our Hectic Minds – How Do We Do It?

We are all busy busy busy these days. Even those of us now of retirement age seem to find ourselves with little time to spare. Some of us are still working, some are active volunteers and some have family members who need looking after…

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2 years ago

Are You Curious About Your Family History? Here’s How to Start Researching

There is something about finding ourselves in our 60s that makes our heads turn to the past, in general, and more specifically – to our ancestry. Perhaps as we age, our perception of time changes…

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2 years ago

Looking and Feeling Young… Beyond 80!

It has been my ‘lot’ in life to always look younger than I am. It doesn’t help that I am also small. There are a number of people like me about. I am sure we would all agree that it was terrible when we were younger…

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2 years ago

Determining Your Own Moment of Death

Sixty and Me is a wonderful place for older women to learn how to look better, feel better, be a better person and get more out of life. This article will do none of these things. But it is on a subject that I find so interesting, I want to share it with you…

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2 years ago

Getting on with the Other Grandparents

You have just become a grandmother – or perhaps you have been one for a long time. It is so very exciting to have a new baby in your life. Not to mention all the other stages, from toddlers right on up. But one thing you will have noticed is that…

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2 years ago

What Do You Think About Condolences?

Although I do like being an older woman, one of the downsides of reaching our 60s and beyond is that there are more and more deaths among the people in our lives. We note that those remaining from the generation above…

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2 years ago

Condescending to Older People – Is This the New Normal?

A few months ago, my husband was approached by a young researcher, doing a study on the frail elderly and clearly keen to approach all such people with the right attitude. Yet once you have the need for a particular ‘attitude’…

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