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Ann Richardson’s most popular book, The Granny Who Stands on Her Head, offers a series of reflections on growing older. Subscribe to her free Substack newsletter, where she writes fortnightly on any subject that captures her imagination. Ann lives in London, England with her husband of sixty years. Please visit her website for information on all her books:

Latest Posts By Ann Richardson

2 years ago

Celebrating the Important Role of Semi-Caregivers

In recent years, we have all become conscious of the hidden army of people known as ‘carers’ (‘caregivers’ in the US). These are the people who look after a frail (or confused) family member or friend…

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2 years ago

Are you Spoiling Your Grandchildren or Just Showing Them Extra Love?

Do you ‘spoil’ your grandchildren? Some people say that this is a common phenomenon. It could be argued that children all over the world are becoming increasingly unhealthy, overweight and demanding. Could this be due to…

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2 years ago

The Practice of Writing Product and Service Reviews

“How did we do?” How often do you see this question in your email box? In the last week, I have received emails from my optician and from a delivery service asking me to review their performance as deliverers of a service. Not to mention from…

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2 years ago

Have You Discovered This New Freedom?

“Me write an article about orgasms? You must be kidding,” you might have heard me exclaim incredulously some years ago, “No, not me! I’m not an expert and I don’t have the nerve!” But things change as you grow older. In the past year, I have written an article not only about orgasms, but also […]

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2 years ago

Why Do Long-Term Couples Seem to Die Close Together?

Some people avoid any discussion of death and dying, but I have always found the subject fascinating.
You are here one minute and gone the next. Very strange. And much harder for all those around you than it is for you, yourself…

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2 years ago

Would You Like to be a Queen?

Regardless of where you live or your political system, you could hardly have missed the incredible spectacle of the British Queen’s funeral arrangements a few weeks ago. My television receives some channels from all over the world, and almost every…

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2 years ago

Taking a Trip with a Grandchild

Years ago, I met a rather formidable older French woman who told me, in the course of our conversation, that she had offered all her grandchildren a trip away of their own choice, when they reached age 13. She had five or six grandchildren….

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2 years ago

How to Make Tough Decisions? Follow Your Heart!

We make decisions all our lives and, indeed, every day. Most of these are straight-forward and don’t require a lot of thought. What shall I have for lunch? Shall I read a book or watch the TV this evening? Should I phone up my daughter for a chat?

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2 years ago

Haunted by the Unexpected Interest in the Female Orgasm?

The female orgasm is suddenly in fashion this summer, if the number of newspaper stories is any indication. Like the British say about buses, you wait for ages for one and then three come at once. Oh dear, that wasn’t meant to be a pun…

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2 years ago

Looking Back on Motherhood

The older we get, the more often we find ourselves looking back and musing on the trajectory of our lives. Did we get it right? Or is there, indeed, one right way? There are many dimensions to such questions, but here I want…

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