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Ann Richardson’s most popular book, The Granny Who Stands on Her Head, offers a series of reflections on growing older. Subscribe to her free Substack newsletter, where she writes fortnightly on any subject that captures her imagination. Ann lives in London, England with her husband of sixty years. Please visit her website for information on all her books:

Latest Posts By Ann Richardson

2 years ago

Making Amends After Making Mistakes

There is some part of human nature that encourages people to make amends. We all make mistakes – however much we don’t like that fact – and it makes us feel better if we can put them right. Particularly sizeable ones…

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2 years ago

Will AI Write Your Novels Soon?

I have never been particularly excited by the idea of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It seemed something remote to my everyday life, although I have undoubtedly been exposed to numerous examples without my ever knowing it…

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2 years ago

What Is the Best Thing About Seeing Your Adult Children Grow Older?

Have your adult children reached 50? My daughter has. How did that happen? I was 50 myself only a few months ago – or so it seems. When it comes to our children, time seems to work at a different pace. We do what we do…

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2 years ago

The Many Joys Lying in Bed Can Bring to a Senior Woman

Usually, when anyone writes about the joys of bed, they are thinking of one of two things: the pleasures of a good night’s sleep or, alternatively, of sex. I am a great believer in both…

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2 years ago

Our Many Plans – And How They Sometimes Fail

As the long Christmas and New Year holiday has now come to an end, how many of us found that our plans worked out as expected? I hope loads of you. But I suspect many, many plans went truly awry. It has not been a good year…

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2 years ago

How Old News Can Affect Us Today

A charming married man in his early 40s, a father of three, has a two-year affair with his young secretary. So, what’s new? It happens every day. Indeed, it is an old, old story. What is new is that it was my father. I was in my early teens at the time…

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2 years ago

What’s the Deal with To-Do Lists?

Today was a special and very rare day (it will be several days ago by the time you read this, but that is unimportant). Did I win the lottery? Was a new grandchild born? Did my hair suddenly stop being grey?

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2 years ago

Why Being a Grandmother Is Easier Than Being a Mother

I heard a simple quote years ago, but back then didn’t understand the meaning. I had to look it up to check. Initially, I thought I remembered Groucho Marx, who said, “The best reason to have children is in order to have grandchildren…”

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2 years ago

Different Kinds of Friends and What They Mean to Us

Almost everybody has friends. It is part of life to have them. Some of us have loads and some have very few, but we all feel that they are important in our lives. And we all know who our friends are. They are people who are not our family…

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2 years ago

What Is Travel Time Good for?

Travel time is that wonderful time when you have no obligations except to continue on your way. It is ‘me’ time in the best sense of the word. At its worst, of course, it is terrible. There is the regular commute ­– that dreaded routine of getting…

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