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Ann Richardson’s most popular book, The Granny Who Stands on Her Head, offers a series of reflections on growing older. Subscribe to her free Substack newsletter, where she writes fortnightly on any subject that captures her imagination. Ann lives in London, England with her husband of sixty years. Please visit her website for information on all her books:

Latest Posts By Ann Richardson

1 year ago

What It Means to Say “I am Not a Grandmother”

We do not usually identify ourselves by what we are not. We do not say I am not blonde or not good at knitting or I do not come from a large family. Nor do other people think about these things when they think of us…

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1 year ago

Do We Purposefully Look for Variety in Our Lives?

Variety is the spice of life, so they say. I’ve heard that saying so many times, I can’t even remember when I first heard it. More importantly, I’m not sure I’ve given it much thought. But it is worth thinking about. As we settle into our later years, we can easily get into a routine […]

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1 year ago

Old Age Is Not Another Country

When I was young – pick any age up to 55 or so – I definitely thought that the future was a foreign country. It would be strange to me, and it would be difficult to cope with. And they would definitely “do things differently” there…

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1 year ago

Does Being a Grandma Change How You Look at Your Own Grandmother?

Now we are 60 (as A.A. Milne of Christopher Robin fame might have said), we are of an age to think about grandmothers. Perhaps you are a grandmother or hoping to be one. Perhaps your friends are grandmothers…

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1 year ago

Celebrating a Diamond Wedding Anniversary

There are certain things we all know about our country’s ways. You grow up knowing them, like the National Anthem. Or, in the US, how to salute the flag. You can’t even remember where you first learned them…

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1 year ago

My Experience of Getting Covid After All This Time

I got diagnosed with Covid two weeks ago. But it is SO last year! No, worse than that, it is so 2021!! Nobody gets it now. The world has moved on. Hardly anyone wears masks these days. Or worries about the odd cough. We all think it has gone away…

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1 year ago

Have You Considered the Phenomenon of Reciprocity?

When you were younger but already adult, your parents most likely helped you in every way they could. Not everyone has such help, but a huge number of us do. And perhaps your grandparents did the same. Maybe it was financial help…

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1 year ago

Life Is Full of Surprises

Things don’t always turn out as expected. More often than not, I think, the expectations were probably too optimistic in the first place and the surprise is an unwelcome one. This is a lovely story of the reverse…

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1 year ago

Finding Some Time on Your Own

I have never hidden the fact that I am happily married. My husband and I very much enjoy each other’s company. We talk a lot and laugh a lot. And each is the go-to person when either of us want to discuss some problem – large or small…

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1 year ago

A Tribute to the Amazing Women in the Sixty and Me Community

I have been writing for Sixty and Me for donkey’s years (a British expression meaning a long time), and it suddenly hit me this week that we are a rather amazing lot. Not the writers – I don’t know much about the other bloggers – but you, the readers…

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