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Ann Richardson’s most popular book, The Granny Who Stands on Her Head, offers a series of reflections on growing older. Subscribe to her free Substack newsletter, where she writes fortnightly on any subject that captures her imagination. Ann lives in London, England with her husband of sixty years. Please visit her website for information on all her books:

Latest Posts By Ann Richardson

12 months ago

Dealing with the Small Irritations in Life

I am struggling with an old roll of scotch tape. The end has been lost, so I am trying to dig out the thin membrane of tape to allow me to get it working again. I get a small bit and then, instead of a large useable piece, I find myself with a narrow strip…

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12 months ago

Let Me Share Two Moments of Pure Joy

What brings us happiness? There are so many things that money will buy – a foreign cruise, a new car with all mod cons or lots of bling. You can have all that. I recently had two moments of pure joy, which cost not a cent. Each made me a very happy woman…

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12 months ago

The Very Odd Story of the Cat in the Shower

It was a very ordinary night. I was undertaking a very ordinary activity. I had gone into the bathroom to get my pyjamas, which were hanging on the back of the door. My mind was completely elsewhere, as minds can be when you’re doing a routine task…

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1 year ago

Should We Praise Niceness?

In the modern world – and probably the ancient world for that matter – a lot of weight is given to worldly achievements. We want to become rich, important and famous and we want our children to accomplish these things, too…

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1 year ago

How Important Are Your Neighbours as You Reach the Mark of 60?

My very friendly next-door neighbours moved back to the US. In many ways, it was not a surprise, as they were always going to be visitors in London – here because of the husband’s job. Yet it came as both a shock and a loss…

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1 year ago

The Great Hospital Escape (True Story)

My husband had been in hospital for three days, having had a partial knee replacement operation on the morning of the first day. Everything had gone as planned, he was very happy with the surgery not to mention the kindliness and competence…

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1 year ago

Kind Cooking: The Art of Preparing Food for Sick People

Are you one of the many people who are looking after someone who is very ill? Perhaps a spouse, sibling, parent or friend? As you well know, it is a highly tiring and difficult task, however much it is undertaken with love. You may be overloaded with advice…

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1 year ago

My Experience of Falling Down the Stairs

It was the middle of the night, and I had gotten up to pee. I noticed a light coming from downstairs. That’s strange, I thought. No one else here but my sleeping husband. Oh dear, I will need to go down and turn it off. That was the immediate plan…

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1 year ago

The Painful Truth About Unhappy Grandmothers

There are many happy grandmothers about. I know; I am one of them. We play with the kids, we bore our friends by talking about how wonderful they are and we generally feel very pleased with the way grandchildren have enhanced our lives…

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1 year ago

Let’s Talk About Our Lifelong Search for Intimacy

If the infamous ‘man from Mars’ were to suddenly arrive on this earth, what would he think that people were all about? From scanning traditional media, not to mention social media, I would surmise that he would see a search for wealth…

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