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Ann Richardson’s most popular book, The Granny Who Stands on Her Head, offers a series of reflections on growing older. Subscribe to her free Substack newsletter, where she writes fortnightly on any subject that captures her imagination. Ann lives in London, England with her husband of sixty years. Please visit her website for information on all her books:

Latest Posts By Ann Richardson

3 years ago

Getting on With the In-laws

Do you get on with – or even like – your in-laws? All of them? Really? If so, you are a lucky person indeed! We all have in-laws. They come into our lives completely unbidden. Sometimes they are there for a long time. It’s not that they are always awful people…

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3 years ago

How Watershed Moments Come to Define Our Lives

We all have watershed moments in the course of our lives. Days when, from then on, things become notably different. The day you left home, the day you got married (or moved in together), the day you had your first child – all days signifying…

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3 years ago

Unexpected Friendships Are Everywhere, Waiting to Be Found

A lot of people, I find, have a close friend who does not make sense. Someone who just doesn’t ‘fit’ with other aspects of their life, and no one from outside can quite understand why they are friends at all. Such friendships can be especially meaningful…

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3 years ago

Are You Happy with How Your Grandchildren Are Being Raised?

As your children take that giant step of becoming parents themselves, what do you feel about how they are doing? Some grandmothers are highly impressed with the way their grandchildren are being brought up. Others are disappointed…

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3 years ago

The Beauty of Long Light Evenings Around the Summer Solstice

As winter slowly turns into spring, most people turn their thoughts to warmer weather, flowers in the park and, probably, the birds and the bees. These are all good things to welcome, in my view. But what I really like in the late spring, right up to the summer solstice…

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3 years ago

Getting Your Life in Order Before It Ends Too Soon – Can It Ever Be Accomplished?

I heard an expression the other day that stopped me in my tracks. It had the ring of a famous saying, although that turned out not to be the case. But more importantly, it had some real profundity. It said, simply, “Life ends in the middle of a sentence…

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3 years ago

Are You Waiting for That Metaphorical Block of Concrete in the Sky?

By the time you are in your mid-70s and there has been no major health crisis, you know you have been lucky. If you have a spouse (or partner) and ‘you’ means both of you, you know you have been doubly lucky. Now aged 79 and my husband aged 80…

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3 years ago

3 Reasons Becoming a Grandmother is the Best Feeling in the World

Ask almost any woman about her new grandchild and she will light up all over, like a young woman in love. Grandmothers are invariably thrilled to bits. Perhaps that is all we need to know. We have become grandmothers and we love it…

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3 years ago

Would You Like to Be Young Again?

As we move into our ‘senior years’, a whole lot of new questions begin to emerge in our day-to-day thinking. Some of us may look into the future and begin to worry about coping with long term illness or, indeed, dying. Others, in contrast, may begin…

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4 years ago

Losing Energy as We Get Older, the Woe of the Active Person

It is a common practice to see the world in a binary fashion. For instance, no matter the factor of division, there usually seem to be two types of people. Extroverts and introverts. Meat eaters and vegetarians…

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