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Ann Richardson’s most popular book, The Granny Who Stands on Her Head, offers a series of reflections on growing older. Subscribe to her free Substack newsletter, where she writes fortnightly on any subject that captures her imagination. Ann lives in London, England with her husband of sixty years. Please visit her website for information on all her books:

Latest Posts By Ann Richardson

3 years ago

Would We Like to be Young Again?

I want to start with a large thank you to the readers of Sixty and Me who, albeit unknowingly, helped hugely with the book I recently published, The Granny Who Stands on Her Head. My book is about liking being old, which I do, but I posted an article…

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3 years ago

Does Luck Count Into Life’s Equation?

Children are very quick to point out all the unfairness in life. Their friend got a better computer for Christmas. Another friend’s mother lets him stay up late. Another friend never has to practise her violin. It goes on and on. Sometimes, it is just where are in life…

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3 years ago

Fun Hobbies for Older Women: The Joy of Singing at Any Age

Do you sing? No, I don’t mean, are you an opera singer, because there are precious few of those. I just mean do you like to sing, for instance, in the shower or in the bath? Or perhaps to yourself as you potter around the house. It is a joyous activity…

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3 years ago

Are You Ready to Be a Great-Grandma? Thinking About the Long-term Future

Not long ago, my six-year old grandson took me aback. “Granny,” he asked innocently enough. “Would you do me a favour?” I assumed he wanted another biscuit (cookie) or to watch some more television. “Granny,” he continued…

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3 years ago

Am I Old or Older – or A Rose by Any Other Name?

I was recently talking to some friends about the fact that I was writing a book about being in our later years, which I have just published. I may have used the word “old.” One woman immediately alerted me to be careful never to use the word…

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3 years ago

My Personal Experience with Yoga for Older Adults

When my older grandson, now in his teens, was a toddler, he loved to watch me stand on my head, which I had been doing for years in yoga. He tried to copy me, with little success, but I discouraged him in any case as I was told that standing on your head…

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3 years ago

Can Sleep Apps Talk You to Sleep? It Depends!

They say that the older you get, the more difficulties you have sleeping. This may be true, but I have always had trouble sleeping, so for me it is nothing new. I have read all the advice about how to avoid sleeping problems…

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3 years ago

The Taboo Topic of Older People Having Sex – Let’s Not Hide from the Facts!

People everywhere are fascinated by sex. I am not the first to say so. We wonder what other people do and when and what it means to them. And some wonder how long it continues. When I was in my 20s, I naively thought that sex was only for the young…

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3 years ago

The Power of Using Female Body Part Words – One Woman’s Reflections

You just don’t hear the word very often and it sounds, well, too strong, too technical or perhaps too much ‘off colour’. Is the word ‘vulva’ seen as vulgar because it starts with the same three letters? What if, instead, we associated it with a Swedish car?

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3 years ago

Is Age Just a Number? Do You Feel Hesitant to Reveal Your Age?

A group of older women are talking. One, age 64, suggests she is beginning to feel old. Her friend, age 68, says, “No, not me – I’m not old, I’m even working part-time.” Their friend, age 75, says, “No, me neither. I feel full of energy.” What is going on?

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