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A retired English teacher, Ann Marie Mershon lives on a lake in northern Minnesota with her husband, Jerry, and their two dogs. She’s published three books as well as numerous articles and columns. You can read about her years of teaching in Istanbul on her blog

Latest Posts By Ann Marie Mershon

5 years ago

Audiobooks: My Second-Best Friend This Side of 60

I love audiobooks. I’m an overcommitted woman who’s constantly on the move, either exercising or busy with home and community activities. I treasure literature and love to read…

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5 years ago

9 Brain Builders and 3 Brain Drainers Boomer Women Need to Consider in Their Diet

As I slide into my 70s, I find myself forgetting names with more regularity every day. It’s getting so common that I often stay out of conversations because I can’t remember the name of the politician…

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5 years ago

10 Reasons Why Travel Broadens the Life of the Baby Boomer Generation

I just returned from three weeks in Turkey. My heart was full, my mind replete with warm memories, and my computer teeming with new photos. The best part, though, was that my travel compatriots now love Turkey as much as I do…

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6 years ago

9 Ways to Live Longer by Reaching Out to Make Women Friends

“I get by with a little help from my friends.”

Yup. They’re beyond precious, my women friends. They’ve reveled in my joys, shared my adventures and pulled me through my crises. I treasure every single one of them. Read More

6 years ago

Want to Make Extra Money in Retirement? Why Not Rent Your Room, Apartment, Cabin or House with Airbnb?

Do you yearn for more spending money? Have you always wanted to visit Barcelona? Or perhaps you enjoy meeting new people. Whatever the reason, you might consider opening your home to strangers through a vacation rental like Airbnb, VRBO, or a host of other online rental agencies. Read More

7 years ago

Online Dating After 60: Here Are 4 Ways to Simplify Your Experience

When I found myself single after 32 years of marriage, I vacillated between delight and despondency. After three years on my own, I tentatively approached online dating, and numerous coffee date debacles taught me a lot. Read More