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A retired English teacher, Ann Marie Mershon lives on a lake in northern Minnesota with her husband, Jerry, and their two dogs. She’s published three books as well as numerous articles and columns. You can read about her years of teaching in Istanbul on her blog

Latest Posts By Ann Marie Mershon

3 years ago

4 Easy and Achievable Practices to Guide You to a Longer, Healthier Life

“The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.” – Frank Lloyd Wright. I agree. My life seems to improve as I age. In spite of my wrinkles, sore knees, and digestive issues, I’m happier. Could it be about increasing wisdom? Whatever the cause, I want more. I want a long life…

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4 years ago

Oh, My Aching Feet! Why I FINALLY Decided to Toss My Heels

At a gathering with women friends, our discussion ran to the unglamorous topic of feet. You know, this little piggie and all that. I had to chuckle as we raved about the comfort of our less-than-fashionable footwear. Read More

4 years ago

7 Simple Steps to Boost Your Memory After 60

“It’s the nouns that go first,” a good friend quipped when she couldn’t remember a favorite author’s name. How true. Every year, it seems to take me longer to learn names and phone numbers, and lately, I need an extra hour to pull some words out of my memory – if they ever come. Read More

4 years ago

It’s Berry Season: 6 Good Reasons to Indulge – and Boost Your Health While You’re at It!

I admit it – I’m hooked. Not generally a greedy person, when I’m faced with bushes of free berries, I go nuts. Ballistic. I can’t stop myself. Not only that, but I can’t pass the berry display in the grocery store without nabbing at least a few…

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4 years ago

Attention Pet Lovers: A Dog Can Make You Happier – and Healthier!

I have a new puppy, and little Sally is keeping me on my toes. Libby, my small poodle/terrier, was a stellar companion for 17 years – my kayak buddy, canoe tripper, and enthusiastic hiker. When I swam down the lake…

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4 years ago

Are You Among the Lucky Ones in the Pandemic? 7 Ideas to Pass on Your Government Issued Stimulus Fund

My husband and I are coping well as we stay at home during the pandemic. We’re actually enjoying this break from our usual busy schedules, starting each day with a morning walk with a few neighbors…

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5 years ago

It’s Not Too Late If We All Contribute: 6 Areas We Can Help Save Our Planet

Last week, my reading group discussed Overstory, a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about connections between people and trees. Author Richard Powers, a gifted writer…

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5 years ago

9 Behavior Patterns of Healthy Senior Weight Loss: Forget Diets, Think Behavior!

“Thin behavior” has fascinated me for years. I just don’t get it. I don’t mean the kind of behavior where skinny kids squeezed through fence slats in the alley, or where my teenaged friends stretched thin, nubile bodies on the beach at Shady Oak Lake as I huddled on my towel. Read More

5 years ago

5 Truths the Dying Want to Tell the Living

I’m mourning my beloved sixth grade teacher, Mr. Ryshavy. In 1960, he was a young, creative, and caring instructor, and every single member of our class adored him…

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5 years ago

Sleep Tight: 10 Tips to Improve Your Health Through Solid Sleep

I’m nearly 70, and I figure I’ve spent over 203,000 hours of my life snoozing. That’s 8,500 24-hour days, 1200 weeks, 300 months, or 25 solid years of sleep. Call me Rip Van Winkle. I’ve loved every minute of it. Read More