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Angela Page is a writer and producer. One of her published titles is “Suddenly Single Sylvia,” a novella and dating guide. Her award-winning comic romance, "Matched in Heaven,” and short comedy, “Unplugging Aunt Vera,” were released in 2015. Angela divides her time between Boca Raton and Los Angeles. Please visit her website here

Latest Posts By Angela Page

2 years ago

The Importance of Having Millennials and Gen X’ers in Your Life After 60

Many of us have at least one younger person in our lives. Whether this is a friend or a relative, here are 5 reasons why you should hang with younger people…

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2 years ago

Senior Dating Tips: Why You Shouldn’t Give Up Until the 6th Date

It can take time for people to warm-up during the dating cycle. Don’t give up until your gut tells you to or if the thought of kissing the person makes you physically sick. Don’t stress, fantasize or have expectations for dates 1–3…

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3 years ago

Dating Over 50: How to Cope If You Have Been Dumped, Ghosted or Love-Bombed

Dating at any age can be challenging. Here are some ways you can deal with the most common things that can happen in language that might be new to you! Being dumped can be painful and impact our self-esteem. Sometimes rejection comes our of nowhere…

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3 years ago

How I Wrote My Way Through Grief: Processing the Death of a Husband or Partner After 60

After I had lost a 42-year-old husband, a 50-year-old ex-husband and a 75-year-old live-in partner, my family and friends jokingly called me, “The Black Widow.” The deaths occurred under different circumstances and were all devastating…

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6 years ago

Los Angeles, the NoHo Arts District: A Guide for the Visitor or Potential Resident

As women over 60, we are hardly at the end of our game. We are vibrant creatures who love art, sports, music, food, social interaction and all the other blessings of a rich culture. Read More

6 years ago

Goodbye Early Bird Special and Hello Happy Hour – How Boomers Are Redefining South Florida Dining

Back in the 1920s, there were ads promoting early bird breakfast that followed the trend of early bird clothing sales. Read More

6 years ago

Discovering the Magic of Flamenco Fashion After 60

The original flamenco dress is attributed to the Spanish gypsies. Then, in the late 19th century, it was adopted by Andalusian countrywomen for the annual fairs, ‘ferias’ and for dancing. The dress aimed to enhance women’s figures, mask flaws and enable a seductive walk. Read More

7 years ago

Do’s and Don’ts on a First Date – What Senior Singles Should Know

Help! I’m going on a first date. What should I do?

First dates can be intimidating, especially if you’ve never met, or have had minimal face-to-face contact. Relax, take a deep breath and follow some of these tips to help you through. Read More