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Ang is on a mission to declutter the world, one misplaced Tupperware lid at a time. She loves coffee, her wife Sporty, Miles the pudding cat, and peanut butter smoothies. The order varies depending on current caffeine levels.

Latest Posts By Angela Horn

12 months ago

How Floor Sitting Can Help You Age in Place (You Can Keep Your Furniture!)

Do you have a favorite armchair or sofa? A cozy place to while away lazy Sunday afternoons with a juicy book, a cup of tea, and a pile of cookies. You’re not alone! But imagine if, instead, the floor became your new best friend – offering you not only comfort…

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3 years ago

What Is Your Clutter Legacy? And Why That Matters

Our friend Coral is a sailing fanatic. A few months ago, the yacht she was on encountered stormy weather. The boat tipped at alarming angles as wave upon wave crashed over them. There was nothing to do but hang on and pray…

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3 years ago

Why You Need to Figure Out Your #1 Self-Care Habit (and Stick to It)

Finding time for self-care can be tricky. We may still be self-isolating, but for many of us, life is as busy as it’s ever been. We’re working, taking care of family members, babysitting grandkids via Skype, not to mention worrying ourselves silly about the pandemic…

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4 years ago

How to Get Rid of Stuff When You Have a Hard Time Getting Rid of Stuff

Whenever I tell people about our minimalist lifestyle they invariably say they love the idea but have a hard time letting go of stuff. My partner and I don’t really get…

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4 years ago

Why You Need to “Let Go” Before You Declutter – and How to Do That

With many parts of the world under quarantine, staying sane has become even more of a challenge than staying healthy. Whether you’re self-isolating solo, as part of a couple, or with your extended family, being confined to your home can take its toll…

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5 years ago

6 Super Easy Healthy Aging Tips That Almost Everyone Can Do

My 87-year-old aunt is an inspiration. She’s no Iron Nun, she doesn’t run marathons on the weekend, and thru-hiking isn’t her idea of fun. Aunty Margaret is just a regular old lady who lives her life with purpose…

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5 years ago

What Is Swedish Death Cleaning (And Why Should You Be Doing It)?

My mom was a hoarder. While not in the same league as the people featured on Buried Alive (thankfully), she clearly had a problem letting go. There were the clothes dating back to the mid-70s that no longer fit her…

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