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Andrea McGinty is the founder of It’s Just Lunch dating service. She sold it and founded so she could help singles navigating online dating. In the 2020s, she knows the best way to meet people is through online dating using a professional coach and specializes in singles in their 50s-70s!

Latest Posts By Andrea McGinty

2 years ago

5-Day Dating Rule: How to Speed Up Online Dating and Get Real Dates

Ever heard of the 5-Day Momentum Rule? It’s a very powerful concept. As a dating coach/counselor with over 25 years of dating experience, I know this for a fact! This rule has gained even more importance in the past five years as our attention…

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2 years ago

10 Biggest Online Dating Mistakes

After 25+ years working with singles as a dating coach, helping them navigate online dating from writing dating profiles to teaching effective messaging techniques, wow, have I seen the weird, the humorous – and all in between!

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2 years ago

3 Keys to Success with Online Dating

Well, here’s some good news for online daters! According to research firm Pew, in 2020, 1 in 3 singles met and married via online dating. As a dating coach and dating counselor, there is nothing more rewarding than seeing my clients happy – and celebrating…

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2 years ago

5 Tips for Dating Intentions in 2022

As one of my dear friends posted on Facebook this week “My New Year resolution is to open a Yoga studio for 2 weeks, then turn it into a wine bar.” Hah! We see how long resolutions last, right? So, let’s glide gently into 2022, alleviate the stress…

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2 years ago

How to Conquer Your Dating Fears and Find Love Online in 2022

For many women, diving into the world of online dating can be difficult, uncertain, and emotional. Online dating platforms are foreign to those of us who haven’t dated in decades, but they are a wonderful way to find love…

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3 years ago

Looking for Love in 2022? 5 Tips for Successful Online Dating

Trying out online dating for the first time or frustrated by the experience? Or heard the hype about January 3 – Dating Sunday/Singles’ Sunday? Below are five online dating tips I gathered in my 20+ years of experience as a matchmaker…

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3 years ago

Frequently Asked Holiday Dating Questions

Tis the season, so as an online dating coach and consultant, I’m sharing frequent questions I get this time of year from singles. You should know that there is no bad month of the year to begin dating – truly! December is a festive, cheerful month…

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3 years ago

5 Words to Never Use in Your Online Dating Profile

Returning to the dating scene is overwhelming, especially now that it’s gone digital. The work that goes into picking a platform, choosing flattering photos, and filling out the never-ending questions can be discouraging…

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3 years ago

11 Awful Opening Lines You Need to Delete from Your Online Dating Profile

When it comes to online dating profiles, I’ve realized that intelligence has nothing to do with writing a good paragraph about yourself. In fact, there are times I feel there is an inverse correlation between intelligence and online dating…

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3 years ago

Do I Need a Dating Consultant? Here Are 4 Signs That You Do

It’s no secret that dating can be really tough. While dating can be a fun, carefree experience for some, for others it can sometimes feel like a full-time job. If you’re starting to think of dating more as a job, then you might benefit from working with a dating coach…

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