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Amy Newmark is the author, editor-in-chief, and publisher of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, a second career she began at 50 after decades on Wall Street and in technology industry. Most importantly, she’s a wife, mother of four, and grandmother of three… so far. Connect with Amy at

Latest Posts By Amy Newmark

2 years ago

How to Have a Less Stressful Summer

Summer stress! I know that summer is supposed to be easy, fun, relaxing. But if you’re like me, you continue to pack your schedule. We published a story almost 10 years ago that is my go-to stress reliever, and it really works. It’s by April Knight, who tells us…

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3 years ago

Rethinking the New Year’s Resolution

By now, we’ve accepted that whatever grandiose plans we made on January 1st are not working out. But we are not alone. According to U.S. News & World Report, 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail, and most people lose their resolve by mid-February…

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3 years ago

How Kindness Can Improve Your Mood

We’ve all seen TV shows and movies featuring coaches with hearts of gold, but usually they have a gruff exterior. But in the popular TV series Ted Lasso we see a coach who’s gentle, compassionate and sweet through and through. His unshakeable…

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3 years ago

How to Use the Power of Forgiveness in Time for the Holidays

With the winter holidays just around the corner, many of us are wondering how we will handle getting together, in whatever form, with certain people, whether they are family or friends. We all have those people with whom we’ve had a falling out or a breakdown…

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3 years ago

How to Get Yourself into That Swimsuit Before Summer Ends

It’s the dog days of summer – the weather is hazy, hot, and humid, but I’m worried about getting into my swimsuit at a party this weekend. I gained 10 pounds while on chemo earlier this year, and I don’t like this new body. Body image is a big problem…

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4 years ago

You Have Permission to Remove Toxic People from Your Life

One of my favorite Chicken Soup for the Soul stories is by Georgia Shaffer, who wrote about what happened when a “friend” drove her to chemo one day. Her friend spent the entire 50-minute drive relating painful stories about the people…

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4 years ago

Start the New Year Off Right by Decluttering Your Home

Do you have too much stuff? Do you feel like your possessions own you, and not the other way around? There’s something so liberating about cleaning out those overstuffed closets, cupboards, and storage spaces! And what better time…

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