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Amy Newmark is the author, editor-in-chief, and publisher of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, a second career she began at 50 after decades on Wall Street and in technology industry. Most importantly, she’s a wife, mother of four, and grandmother of three… so far. Connect with Amy at

Latest Posts By Amy Newmark

5 months ago

Why Everything Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect All the Time

Let’s talk about your perfectionism. I know it’s there, because you’re interested enough in improving something about your life that you’re visiting this wonderful website! But if you want to lead a happy life, you need to accept less than perfection…

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6 months ago

13 Easy Ways to Wake Up Your Brain

The kids and the grandkids are in school, learning new things every day. But what should the rest of us do to keep our brains active and alert? We’ve all heard that we can reduce our chances of suffering from dementia in our golden…

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10 months ago

There’s No Better Time to Confront Your Fears Than After 60

Do you want to feel empowered? Energetic? Self-confident? One way to do that is by trying new things and confronting your fears. When you step outside your comfort zone and challenge yourself with a new sport, a new technology…

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1 year ago

What You Can Learn About Dementia from People Who Have Been There, Done That

When your family first faces the reality of a loved one with dementia, you embark on a journey you’ve never taken before. That’s what happened to my two siblings and me when our mother died, and we discovered that my father’s issues…

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1 year ago

Changing Your Life with One-Minute Tasks

Let’s talk about minutes. We live one minute at a time. We waste lots of those minutes. But you can change your life with those little bits of time. They can be very useful. You just have to dive in and use them. Let me first acknowledge that I am that person…

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2 years ago

Why You Should Indulge in Those Little Luxuries

If you’re like me, you’ve spent most of your life doing for others, whether that was your family, your job, or your friends. You probably put yourself at the bottom of your to-do list way too often. And I bet you save the nice things for other people…

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2 years ago

You’re Never Too Old to Find Love

Life begins again at 60, right? Well, it does if you have the right attitude and know that age is just a number. You can downsize and enjoy the freedom of less stuff; you can start a new business or volunteer; you can pursue long deferred dreams…

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2 years ago

How to Accept Your Shorter Runway

Once we pass age 60, we know the “runway” ahead of us is shorter than it used to be. Yet at the same time we probably have more free time and more resources available to have fun. Raising children and our other obligations are mostly behind us…

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2 years ago

Making Gratitude a Healthy Habit

Grateful people are more fun! No one likes a complainer, and everyone loves an upbeat, optimistic person. Perhaps that’s why scientific studies have proven that people who practice gratitude in their daily lives are happier, healthier, and more successful in their…

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2 years ago

The Strength in Asking for Help

It’s amazing how many Chicken Soup for the Soul stories I read from people who have trouble accepting help from their friends and families. Sometimes these strong people resist letting friends and family provide them with clearly needed assistance…

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