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Dr. Alisa Sabin is an urgent care physician at Sutter Gould Medical Foundation in Stockton, California. She is also an author of her debut novel, Still. It is a medical thriller about an organized crime ring of maternity nurses. Alisa loves working with patients and she loves to write. You can follow her on her website at

Latest Posts By Alisa Sabin

6 months ago

How to Effectively Communicate with Your Doctor

Poor communication between patient and doctor may adversely affect medical care. Successful physician-patient dialogue is the cornerstone of health. These conversations often prove challenging. There are things you can do to enhance…

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7 months ago

10 Foods that Keep Heart Disease from Worsening or May Prevent It All Together

Heart disease is actually any disease of the heart but what I will be addressing in this article is coronary artery disease – the most common heart disease. This causes narrowing of the arteries and may results in a heart attack. Heart disease is the leading…

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1 year ago

Yes, You Should Be Exercising and Here’s Why

We all know we should be exercising. The benefits of exercise are immense, and it is always helpful and motivating to hear them. An August 2022 study at the University of California San Diego found physical activity may have a stronger role than genetics in longevity. In 2012, researchers started measuring the physical activity of […]

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1 year ago

How Much Do We Owe Our Aging Parents?

There are approximately 44 million adults in the United States of America caring for their aging parents. People are living longer. With this comes the stress of being older ourselves when our parents need a caregiver. Many people over 60 have found…

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1 year ago

Stop! Don’t Compare Your Health Stats to Those of Your Spouse!

Your health is just that – your health. Comparing your laboratory results with your spouse or partner will only lead to confusion and distress. Of course, there are lots of things we can do to optimize our health stats and lead healthier, longer lives…

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2 years ago

4 Simple Check Ups Women Can Perform at Home

There has always been controversy surrounding self-exams and what benefit, if any, these may have in regards to a person’s health. It can be confusing to muddle through all of the data. Here is my take on the most important self-exams…

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2 years ago

What Thyroid Issues We Could Experience as We Age

The thyroid is a gland located in the front of the neck. It is butterfly-shaped and right below the Adam’s apple. It secretes hormones that affect metabolism and form protein. As with all parts of the body, the thyroid may change with age…

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2 years ago

10 Foods that Help with Lowering or Maintaining Healthy Blood Sugar Levels for Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a medical disorder of maintaining high blood sugar levels over prolonged periods of time. If poorly controlled, diabetes can significantly increase morbidity and mortality. In addition to complications, like ketoacidosis…

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2 years ago

10 Things that Make You Look and Feel Older than You Are

Is age really just a number? Sometimes it feels like it and sometimes it seems uncompromisingly set in stone. Everyone would like to look and feel younger, but how do we do this? It is probably easier to point out the things that make us look…

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2 years ago

9 Foods that Help Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects millions of Americans. It is the most common preventable risk factor for heart disease. High blood pressure is defined as the systolic blood pressure (the top number) of 130 mm Hg…

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