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Alice Fisher, M.A., M.S.W., is the founder of The Radical Age Movement which is dedicated to confronting and eliminating the ageism in our society This new movement seeks to change the way older adults are perceived and treated in society, and also the implications for social practices and government policy.

Latest Posts By Alice Fisher

11 months ago

The Bitter Sweetness of Becoming a Grandparent After 70

I am 73 years old, and my husband is 74. Our oldest granddaughters are 22 and 18, and two years ago we became grandparents again. Our youngest son, who married later than his older brothers, had his first baby, a boy, at 40. This precious boy…

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2 years ago

How to Change a Loss Into a Catalyst for Change After 60

At each stage of our lifespan we are presented with the opportunity to change. These changes are different for each of us, and as we grow older, change is often accompanied by loss. Some of that loss is concrete, like the death…

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