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Alexandra Kathryn Mosca has worked as a funeral director in New York for more than 35 years. She is the author of three books: Grave Undertakings, Green-Wood Cemetery and Gardens of Stone and has contributed articles to Newsday, New York Daily News, The Saturday Evening Post and funeral industry publications. Visit her website here

Latest Posts By Alexandra Kathryn Mosca

5 months ago

How to Write Condolence Notes: 8 Tips That Might Come in Handy

I recently poured out my heart to a colleague about my guilt at two condolence notes left unwritten. One note was intended for a colleague whose sister had died, though I’d heard about the death long after the funeral had taken place…

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5 months ago

6 Products to Help Make Your Fine Hair Look Full and Thick

Fine-haired women don’t have an easy time of it. I envy my girlfriends who are genetically blessed with great hair. One friend I often traveled with has a thick mane of wavy hair. In the morning, all it took was for her to run her fingers through her hair…

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5 months ago

Can Long-Term Friendships Endure in Later Life?

Our girlfriends see us through the best and worst of life. In times of heartbreak, failure, and success, they are there for us. We share each other’s innermost secrets and celebrate special times together. These relationships, which can be so essential…

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5 months ago

A New Generation of Mature Women Staying Fabulous and Fierce

Not long ago, I stumbled upon an old article from 2008 in More magazine. More ceased publishing almost a decade ago, but I had made a point of holding onto the article. Written by author Erica Jong, “How to Thrive When Your Babe Days Are Over”…

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10 months ago

Empowerment Through the Lens: The Inspiring Story Behind the Mature Women Calendar for Charity

In 2003, the heartwarming movie Calendar Girls premiered. It was based on the true story of a group of middle-aged Yorkshire women who teamed up to create a sexy calendar to raise money for blood cancer research after one of their husbands died…

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11 months ago

The Art of Personalizing Funerals: Creating a Meaningful Goodbye

Funeral services have long been seen as traditional and standardized. However, in recent years, personalization is becoming increasingly important for many people. This trend highlights the desire for a more intimate and meaningful farewell…

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1 year ago

Summer Fragrances: Recommendations of the Best Scents for the Season

As the temperatures start to rise, we can’t help but daydream about lazy summer days spent lounging by the pool or at the beach. But what would summer be without the perfect fragrance to accompany those memories?

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1 year ago

No Funeral for the Funeral Director? That Can’t Be Right!

Last month, on a cold February morning, I attended the funeral Mass of a colleague. As I sat in a pew, listening to the priest’s homily, in which he referenced the deceased’s work for the community, my thoughts turned to another colleague…

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2 years ago

How Are You Managing Your Cholesterol Levels?

Two years ago, after my annual physical, I learned that my cholesterol was elevated. This came as a total surprise to me. I am nothing if not a healthy eater: My breakfast of choice alternates between a steaming bowl of slow-cooked Irish oatmeal…

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2 years ago

Fashion to Die for: How to Choose Your Last Outfit or Burial Gown

Have you ever uttered the words, “I wouldn’t be caught dead in that outfit!?” Well, you just might be – literally speaking – if you leave it to your family to decide what you’ll wear when the time comes for you to make your final public appearance…

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