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Aleksandra Marcotte is the VP of Marketing for eRetirements, a resource that finds the ideal retirement destination for Baby Boomers. As an Army brat, she knows a thing or two about relocating and the importance of choosing the right city so it feels like home. Aleksandra is a writer, entrepreneur and youth mentor.

Latest Posts By Aleksandra Marcotte

2 years ago

6 Tips to Finding a Dream Retirement Destination with Your Spouse

Conversations around transitioning together and transitioning as individuals are critical prior to retirement. Most likely, the two of you have contributed to a financial plan for years on end. But have you considered an emotional plan?

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3 years ago

Downsizing After Retirement: House, Apartment or Retirement Community?

So now you’re retired: Kids are out of the house. Alarm clocks are quiet. Schedule is free. You might be walking around your home thinking, “Gosh, we have a lot of space.” Retirement is a new chapter in life, and many see it as a chance to try something…

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