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Aleece Fosnight, MSPAS, PA-C, CSC-S, CSE, NCMP, IF is a Medical Advisor to Aeroflow Urology. She is a provider of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health, basic urologic care, and gynecological care for Western North Carolina and the Southeast and has opened up her own private practice in June 2020, Fosnight Center for Sexual Health, in Asheville, NC.

Latest Posts By Aleece Fosnight

2 months ago

7 Ways to Manage Incontinence in the Workplace

For those of us who are still working – whether full time, part-time or even as volunteers – incontinence can be an issue. Between dealing with deadlines, back-to-back Zoom calls and pressure to succeed, people have enough to worry about without…

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3 months ago

How a Sedentary Lifestyle Impacts Incontinence as We Get Older

The older we become, the harder it is for us to maintain and gain muscle. While some might just view this as not having the biceps or abdominals they used to possess, many do not realize that muscles deep in our bodies are also affected…

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4 months ago

How Women Can Manage Incontinence Around Menopause

Bladder issues are something that affects many women going through menopause, with recent studies showing the prevalence of urinary incontinence and overactive bladder syndrome significantly increases for women in postmenopausal age…

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5 months ago

Pelvic Floor Prolapse: What Is It and How Can You Treat it?

As women get older, their risk for developing pelvic floor disorders increases immensely, specifically the disorder known as pelvic organ prolapse, which affects 50% of women in the U.S. This disorder occurs when the pelvic floor muscles…

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10 months ago

How to Maintain a Healthy Sex Life into Your 60s

Sex is an important part in many women’s lives and plays a key role in every romantic relationship. While there’s a preconceived notion that our sex life disappears after a certain age, that doesn’t have to be the case. Our sex life just looks different…

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11 months ago

How UTIs Can Increase Your Risk of Sepsis as You Age

Many women have experienced a UTI at least once in their lifetime and are familiar with associated symptoms and the traditional methods of treating them. However, because the immune system starts to weaken around age 30, the typical symptoms…

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2 years ago

How Breast Cancer Can Impact Incontinence in Women

Most individuals associate cancer treatments with common symptoms of hair loss, fatigue and weight loss. However, many don’t realize the direct impact cancer treatments can have on our pelvic floor function and increase the likelihood…

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2 years ago

How to Improve Bladder Health with Your Diet

Many people assume that improving your bladder starts with just improving your pelvic floor and drinking water. And while those two are extremely important to one’s overall bladder function, there are still many other ways to keep your bladder healthy…

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3 years ago

Lichen Sclerosus: Symptoms and Treatment

Lichen sclerosus is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder and autoimmune disease which causes thin white patches to develop on the skin. While rare, post-menopausal women are at the highest risk, and the condition typically presents…

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3 years ago

What Women Should Know When Considering Hormone Replacement Therapy

Whether it’s for menopausal symptoms or decreasing the risk of UTIs and incontinence, hormone replacement therapy can be a solution for many issues women experience throughout their life. With that said, women interested…

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