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Search Results for: weight

6 Steps to Change Your Limiting Beliefs to Lose Weight

By Shari Broder May 07, 2024

Are you stuck in the same pattern of dieting, losing a few pounds, and gaining the weight back? What’s getting in your way? It’s probably your beliefs about food and eating. We tend to hang onto a lot of beliefs about ourselves and the world…

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Do You Believe You Can Lose Weight?

By Karen Donaldson April 17, 2024

If you’re reading this, chances are you have some doubts about whether you can lose weight or not. The women I work with have a desire to lose weight, but when we look closer, we discover they don’t really believe they can do it…

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Is Your Inner Critic Causing Weight Gain?

By Karen Donaldson March 06, 2024

If you struggle with your weight, you may have labeled yourself as “good” or “bad” based on the food you eat or your weight. If you’re judging yourself as “bad” based on your food choices, either consciously or subconsciously, you’re likely stirring up…

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How I Use My Lazy Gene to Uplevel My Weight Loss Success

By Wendy Irvine February 09, 2024

Let me say right off the bat that there’s nothing special about me (my grandma wasn’t a Rockette and my people never brought home the gold). True to my genetics, I was “well-insulated” for three-plus decades of life. Never reedy, I always looked…

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Sober But Still Not Slim? How to Kickstart Your Weight Loss

By Janet Gourand February 01, 2024

Many of us manage to quit drinking and we feel better than we’ve felt for years. As we regain our health, some of us dream of also regaining our figures. We think fondly back to the shape we were in in our 20s when we only drank socially, before we got…

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The Secret Life of Weight Obsessed Women

By Iris Pastor January 28, 2024

Most people think it’s just skinny 16-year-olds that develop anorexia nervosa and teenagers of all sizes that develop bulimia. ED (eating disorder) is a restless lover, attracted to potential lovers of all ages. And he’s made great inroads with women …

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Want to Lose Weight but Struggle with Menu Planning and Food Prep?

By Karen Donaldson January 23, 2024

The thoughts that we think on a regular basis become our beliefs. And then they start running the show behind the scenes. This means that if you believe that menu planning and food preparation is too hard, then it will be. If you believe a menu plan…

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“Normal” Eating for Weight Loss

By Robin Ola January 09, 2024

I was talking to a client recently about passing up the breadbasket when she is eating dinner at a restaurant. She said to me, “I just want to be able to eat like normal people.” This really got me thinking – what is normal anyway? Why is bread…

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Have You Heard? There’s a New Cutting Edge Weight Loss Trend

By Wendy Irvine December 31, 2023

I was a roly-poly kid, a squishy teen, and a squashier young adult (ages 18 to 36). Like most of us, I’ve yo-yo’d through a bazillion diets and a million more workouts with the likes of Jane Fonda; Lilias, Yoga and You; and Jazzercise…

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How to Enjoy Holiday Food Without Gaining Weight (And Maybe Even Losing a Little!)

By Shari Broder November 18, 2023

We’ve now entered the holiday season. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus or the New Year, you’ll likely celebrate with all kinds of delicious food. Maybe some of these foods you only prepare during the holidays…

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