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Boomerly – Contribute

Boomerly Guest Blogger Agreement

Boomerly is on a mission to help people over 50 to build meaningful friendships with people who share their interests. In addition to our messaging service for baby boomers, we also provide inspirational content on the topics of friendship, relationships, happiness, and reinvention after 50. If you share our mission and want to share your passion with our audience, we would love to hear from you.

In order to make sure that we are a good fit for each other, please read our content guidelines below. When you’re ready, please make a submission through the form below.

When you submit an article to Boomerly, you agree to follow these simple rules:

  • Submit articles on topics related to getting the most from life after 50 (please see the topics we cover on the Blog). Your Boomerly piece can be about almost anything – travel, health, food, money, boomer culture, etc. – as long as it explains how the subject affects relationships, friendships, happiness, or reinvention
  • We accept posts from established experts in a particular field. We are only able to work with regular contributors who want to build credibility and expand their reach over the long-term
  • We prefer evergreen articles written in the third person, containing practical, actionable tips
  • Guest posts must be original and may not have been previously published on any site
  • You agree not to republish submitted posts on any other site, including your own
  • Posts that are 500-800 words or longer typically work best for our audience
  • All content must be your own work and any references must be appropriately cited
  • Guest posts should not include affiliate links, and any links shall be approved by Boomerly and must be relevant
  • Boomerly reserves the rights to include its own links or ads in any submitted articles
  • You will receive a short (50 word or less) bio box with social media links. In addition, you will receive a link to your website (subject to approval)
  • Please do not submit images to go with your post – we will select a featured image; if you want to include relevant personal pictures you hold rights for – please send them via email
  • You will not receive any compensation for your submission
  • You agree that you are not a part of the Boomerly website
  • Boomerly reserves the right to repost any articles to
  • Boomerly reserves the right to remove any guest post with or without a reason
  • All guest posts will be edited and approved by Boomerly staff before posting
  • Boomerly will reject any article submitted for the sole purpose of promoting a business

By submitting a guest post to Boomerly, you agree that you have read this agreement and agree to be bound by it. 

Thank you! We look forward to hearing from you, just fill in the form below: