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Wondering How to Have More Energy After 60? Try These 6 Ideas

As women over 60, we often talk a lot about how positive and optimistic we feel about life, how excited we are to experience this next stage of our journeys, and how much we still want to accomplish and contribute in the world… but do you ever just feel really, really tired?

Six ways to have more energy after 60:

  1. Get Enough Sleep
  2. Drink More Water
  3. Do Strength Training
  4. Take Your Vitamins
  5. Eat Smaller, More Often
  6. Snack on Protein

As we age, our bodies go through a variety of hormonal and physical changes. Over the course of our lives, we might have had children, had surgeries, gained and lost weight, suffered sports injuries, and even faced (and overcome) life-threatening illnesses.

It’s true that some women over 60 still feel just as spry and healthy and energetic as they did 30 years ago, but others might find themselves feeling rather tired – more interested in going to bed early than conquering the world. Wherever you fall on the spectrum of feeling energized (or not), here are a few tips for how to have more energy after 60:

Get Enough Sleep

In our busy, hyper-connected modern world, most people do not get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation causes many people to feel drowsy, distracted and “blah” throughout the day. If you want to feel more energized, one of the best ways is to make sure you’re getting enough sleep. This article in has some great ideas to help you track your sleep and feel more rested.

Try a sleep app that will record your movements, snoring, and other things that may be disrupting your sleep. You may need to consult a sleep specialist if you determine that you may have sleep apnea or other sleep disorders that are preventing you from getting restful sleep.

Check that your bedroom is designed for better sleep. Blackout curtains and comfortable moisture-wicking sheets are a good way to improve sleep.

Read our article NEED A SLEEP RITUAL FOR SATISFYING SLEEP? for more bedtime ideas.

Here are a few more helpful articles to read about sleep:

Drink More Water

Are you drinking enough water? Staying well hydrated is one of the best ways to promote healthy metabolism. According to, drinking 500 ml of water per day helps increase metabolic rate by 30%. If you work at a desk job, try to drink a glass of water each hour, just to stay mentally focused and give yourself an excuse to get up and take mini-breaks during the day.

Not a fan of plain water? Try adding flavor to it so that you enjoy drinking it more. Read THE SECRET POWER OF WATER AND WHY BOOMERS CAN BENEFIT FROM IT and 3 REFRESHING FRUIT INFUSED WATER RECIPES TO HELP YOU STAY COOL THIS SUMMER.

Do Strength Training

Resistance exercise, a.k.a. “lifting weights” or exercising with rubber bands such as TRX, is one of the best ways for women over 60 to boost their energy levels. The reason: as our bodies get older, strength training can help us build muscle mass and maintain our muscle strength – and since muscle burns more calories, being stronger makes our bodies more efficient, and this effect carries over into our overall sense of energy and well being.

We don’t have to get weaker as we get older. Studies have shown that strength training for people over 60 is one of the most important ways to stay healthy and active longer than ever before.

Here is a list of useful articles to get you started with strength training.

Take Your Vitamins

Vitamins aren’t just for children. There are many vitamins and nutrition supplements that can help women over 60 improve metabolism and help you feel energized. Taking the right herbs and nutrition supplements can also help you achieve better digestion and a better balance of nutrients in your system.

Vitamins aren’t just for children. There are many vitamins and nutritional supplements that can help women over 60 improve their metabolism and help them feel energized. Taking the right herbs and nutritional supplements can also help you achieve better digestion and a better balance of nutrients in your system.

Wondering what vitamins and supplements you should be taking? Read these articles for all the info you need to know about vitamins for mature women.

Eat Smaller, More Often

One of the best ways to stay energized is to be a “grazer” who eats smaller, more frequent meals. When you think about it, there’s no reason why people have to eat 3 big meals per day. Many other cultures have very different meal schedules. Eating 3 big meals per day can often cause people’s blood sugar to fluctuate too much throughout the day – leaving you feeling alternately starving and stuffed. Try eating 6 small meals instead of 3 big ones, and see how you feel.

Having a more regular infusion of calories throughout the day (but in smaller quantities at each dining occasion) might help you feel a more consistent sense of energy.

Want to learn more about healthy eating? Read WHY SUCCESSFUL WOMEN OVER 50 STRUGGLE TO MAKE HEALTHY EATING CHOICES to learn how you can adopt healthy eating and make better choices.

Snack on Protein

Many women over 60 could boost their energy levels by changing the way they snack during the day. Avoid carbohydrates during your snacks – they tend to burn fast and leave you feeling hungry. Instead, snack on protein-rich foods like nuts, yogurt or low-fat chicken and turkey. Here is a list of ideas for protein-rich snacks to keep you feeling fueled throughout the day.

Interested in a new and modern way of learning about food? Read IF YOU’RE TRYING TO EAT HEALTHIER – LET YOUR SMART SPEAKER HELP!

What do you do to have more energy? What have you tried (supplements, snacks, exercise routines) that works better for you after age 60 than it used to a few years ago? Please add your thoughts in the comments section below.


Looking for even more healthy lifestyle tips, please check out this video.

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I’m 64 and finding it hard to accomplish more than one thing a day without feeling all over pain.


elimnate inflammatory products like dairy & meat. Watch Dr. NEal Barnard Physician’s Committee on youtube

The Author

Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

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