Would you agree that maintaining a positive attitude and positive thinking is priceless? Being positive can enhance your psychological and physical well-being. You reap health benefits that can ward off depression, lower levels of distress, and keep your heart healthy.
Here are four things that can help you keep a winning attitude and bring out the glow of your own special beauty.
We all talk to ourselves, and how you do that affects how you feel. Speak good things about yourself, and you feel good. Saying bad things then, logically, makes you feel bad. It’s that’s simple.
Psychologists have shown that the mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and fantasy. Therefore, affirmations can work because they have the ability to program your mind into believing what you say. Thus, speaking positively about yourself can be beneficial to your sense of self-worth.
Here are some sample positive affirmations:
Have a habit of saying a certain negative thing about yourself? Reverse course by changing it to something positive. For example, if you say, “I never seem to do anything right,” change it! A positive statement could be: “I’m doing this to the best of my ability and I’m getting better and better.”
Speaking positively about yourself can be beneficial to your sense of self-worth. Your self-esteem is worth it!
I start every day with an enlightening exercise. Asking myself, what can I personally do that will make my life beautiful today. Here are a few of my personal choices:
I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how these simple things lift my mood and positively expand my perspective.
To get different perspectives on what could make one’s day beautiful, I sent texts to several friends asking them to take part in a short survey. Once they agreed, I sent them this:
Please you ask yourself this question, then share with me what you come up with.
What can I do to make my life more beautiful today?
Here are some of the answers I received:
We can set the parameters for the day. We can’t control everything that happens, but we can control how we respond to what happens.
If you don’t already have one, start keeping a gratitude journal. Daily write at least 10 things you are grateful for.
Zig Ziglar said, “Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”
What did you write today in your gratitude journal? Describe some things you do to let your inner beauty shine? What can you do today to make your day beautiful? Please join the conversation below.
Tags Finding Happiness
I used to brew a pot of tea and settle down to watch the news first thing in the morning. For the last week, instead I’ve brewed my tea, taken it out to the patio and watched the sun rise, listened to the birds, the rustling of the trees, the world waking up. A much lovelier way to start the day!
These are great affirmations! Thank you
While walking my two little dogs each morning, I sing softly aloud. Something happy. The dogs seem to like it and it lifts my mood. Today I sang Rainbow Connection by Kermit. How could that song not make one smile?
Early every morning, I like to take my first cup of coffee and go outside to sit on the enclosed deck. It’s my time alone with nature sounds and with God. Prayer time.
My prayers include Praise and Thanksgiving for all that God has done in my life. His steadfast faithfulness. Repentance of my failures and accepting His forgiveness. Accepting God’s unconditional love and asking Him to remind me to extend His love to those around me. Then, lastly I lay down my petitions as I intercede on behalf of others who have asked for prayer.
During the winter when mornings are too cold…I shift my time frame to after lunch w a dessert coffee even if I have to wear a jacket.
I listen to gratitude meditations (Mindful Peace Journey is my go to ). I spend time in silence every day, appreciating what I have and what I am grateful for.